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who likes counter-strike?
Link | by subwei on 2005-12-27 12:43:53
who likes counter-strike? I know I do!

("-_-)=0(#)'3') I'm so werid (^_^) (>_<) Feel the wrath of my feet!

Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by Jester on 2005-12-29 04:17:08
what?? jomunga haven't replied to this thread yet? this must mean he is not stalking you. hehehe.

i like CS. but it's hard to like if everyone else in the computer shop is playing Dota all stars. and you playing with bots.

Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-29 09:15:25 (edited 2005-12-29 09:16:01)
CS all right! >=D
Ha! Better not be my enemy, or you'll have your head blown up into smithereens with thine sniping skillz. And Dota, aye... been popular here as well. Usually my classmates have been hooked into playing that after classes.

Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by mahoraba on 2005-12-29 14:04:44
I rock with a AK

Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2005-12-29 16:41:59
bah...snipers have the saddest illusion of power...i say run out there wif an auto liek the carbine n open a can of who0p ass!!! yeah!!!

Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by Wolf on 2005-12-29 17:18:18
I LOVE COUNTER-STRIKE. I love walking into a server and hitting #1 on it in a day. It makes me feel like a no life bastard. Especially when I knife most of the time. =D...Sorry I just got off one of my favorite servers not but 10 minutes ago. My game name will always be Wolf and I usually frequent USEast cs_office servers. If you ever see some one in there with my name don't be bashful, rep up for gendou.

Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-12-29 18:17:38
Me and wolf, knife battle right now!

Oh and im still stalking him. He even tries getting a disguise, but I see through his attempts to delude me.

Knife pwns all other weapons.

Who played the Natuaral Selection mod?

I didn't reply to this thread at first because it recently poped up in the depression thread.

Here's what I wrote there:
I used to play CS and Natural Selection until you needed steam. My Natural Selection names were Ultralisk, Hydralisk, Mutalisk, usually. And in CS I was Go-Knife, Go-Spork, KnifeU. I was good at the game but after I while I got bored just shooting people, so I mastered the knife as others would master the AWP. I always took every opprotunity to knife, and I pulled of the funniest things with it. I once got 6 people with a knife in one round on a Iceworld type map and the great thing was all my friends saw it. I finally got shot down by the 7th person but I did get a stab in. Anyways I would go entire games with only my knife, and especially in the warcraft3 mod.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-01-03 20:17:19
I like it. I play it everyday up till now.
In high school i'm used to become an observer and road cleaner.
Means i'm the one who attack first then call for backup if i'm in a bulletstorm.
I like the sensation when i headshoted someone (or get headshoted by someone).


Re: who likes counter-strike?
Link | by imppy on 2006-08-20 22:22:25
CS pwns, even though it's old, i still love the game!

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