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Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by on 2006-01-01 22:03:09
I've been reading Elfin Lied, and so far, it feels on par with Evangelion on being off all scales of weird. And hopefully all of you know how bizziare Evangelion was/is, so you know what I'm getting at.

The only difference I seem to pick up is Elfin Lied has more fanservice ^^;

So, what anime and/or manga do you feel is whacked out?

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by Xaria on 2006-01-01 22:14:12
Why do you think that elfen lied and eva is whacked out?

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by on 2006-01-02 03:16:54
Eva, needs no explination, but you appear to need one. It's got theological provocation, it discusses the human mind, while adding blood, gore and biomechs, then add a pinch of fanservice. That's Eva, as you should know.

Elfin Lied, though not as theological, it delves upon human evolution, as well as social interaction. The blood and gore are there, plus there's decapitations. :) The fanservice is better then Eva, as one character likes to be groped, but I'll let you check it out, as it is for mature minds (or immature adults ;D).

So, there's my reasoning. :)

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by SwordLover on 2006-01-02 04:03:43
well Lain was pretty weird...classmate dies, get weird mails, suddenly hooked on computers and the "wired" world...

Ignore my typos!

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2006-01-02 04:06:10 (edited 2006-01-02 04:21:23)
lmaoz...the most whackd out anime int he world has to be gasaraki...tht anime is soooooooooo [approx. 2,000 O's removed] was liek i was gonna die juz watchin 1 ep of it...

[edit] sry bout the long "so" i'm juz tryin to show how bad tht anime was.. XD

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by on 2006-01-02 04:08:05 (edited 2006-01-02 04:09:49)
I forgot about Lain. That was trippy indeed ^^

EDIT: Yes, Gasaraki was indeed whacked, after ep two, I gave up, as it was not like the others, it took ages to get to it's point, I saw the last ep though, interesting though

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by Jabba on 2006-01-02 05:20:04 (edited 2006-01-02 05:22:56)
STILL can't figure it out... "_"

Studio 4C's works are also a bit weird...
Try out their "Family" if you like weird but meaningful animes. :)

I Support Muraki x Tsuzuki

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2006-01-02 05:26:39
lmaoz...approx 2000 o'z removed....ty^^ a lot cleaner tht way...lmao

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by kara-chan on 2006-01-02 07:08:48
FLCL is STILL the only anime that makes no sense. At least Evangelion has some form of plot. Even Elfen Lied has that as well. I'm afraid FLCL doesn't. At all.

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-01-02 07:48:02
Some of the most whacked out anime I have ever seen include...

FLCL- (Pretty strange but funny though.)

Excel Saga- (What the hell!?)

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo- (God, even the name is completely retarded.)

Neon Genesis Evangelion- (It's not that it's whacked out (except the ending) its just that the plot is so unpredictable)

Ranma 1/2 (Again funny, but still strange)

Super Milk Chan (I just look at this show and I spazz out.)

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by lnh on 2006-01-02 18:19:00
I'd definately have to agree with FLCL. Even after watching with the directors commentary, I still have no idea what they were thinking.

Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by kev on 2006-01-02 18:56:49
i got flcl after i watched every episode, but after a few episodes of Bobobo bo bo bobo i quit watching it.


Re: Whacked out Anime/Manga
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2006-01-05 02:20:34
excel saga -- I dont want to understand it.

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