naruto gamecube game
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by pirateking888
on 2004-10-21 22:42:04
Has anyone played: Naruto!Gektou Ninja Taisen 2! It is really fun multiplayer! |
Re: naruto gamecube game
I really want to play it cause Naruto is My favorite Anime :) |
Re: naruto gamecube game
COOL!!! How'd u play it? Is it domesticated? or did u have to have it imported? Gamecube?... I don't have one... -_-; |
Re: naruto gamecube game
i played naruto in PS2 dont know the name |
Re: naruto gamecube game
ive played naruto game on gamecube it was imported. it was pretty cool theres 4 chars of the arena and u kill each other using special moves of each char like super smash brothers but heaps better since its anime based |
Re: naruto gamecube game
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by Rikku-chan
on 2004-12-31 04:40:52
mAn..tHis gaMe is sOOO totAllY aWsoMe....tHough...iF yOu DonT kNow HoW to ReAD or UnDErsTand JapaNESe..YouR gOnna HavE a ProBleM.
yooo minna!!...atashi no Rikku...yorashiku onegai shimasu!!!
Re: naruto gamecube game
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by pirateking888
on 2005-01-10 17:39:56
Whoa, sorry it took so long to reply, but ya!!!!!!!this game is so fun!, yes it's imported, but it's fighting so you don't have to know any japanese, a lot is in Engrish any way. |
Re: naruto gamecube game
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by cowboybebop84
on 2005-03-10 16:40:11
yeah!that game is alsome but I like the third game better.I was thinking of buying that game but I don't have a free loader. ![]() |
Re: naruto gamecube game
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by pirateking888
on 2005-03-26 20:12:53
That is one of my most favorite gamecube games!! But I can't read Japanese, so I just memorize the menu's positon and certain characters. My friends sometimes ask how do you know, but it's easy to memorize it. |