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Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2004-03-04 14:13:17
Does anyone here like to collect or compete in .hack//enemy tournaments cuz if you are maybe we can meet eachother at one of the tournaments :)

Re: .hack//enemy
Link | by Elky on 2004-04-04 08:00:03
i might go to the next one if i learn how to play and actuly get

"Why does it matter, what i say?"

Re: .hack//enemy
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2004-04-24 13:47:30
Lil hint DONT USE EINUS HES A POOR BITCH and cant win for shit
use magus with a stacked up army of magus leaves and attack i gaurantee u that ull win hella alot o vic points.

Re: .hack//enemy
Link | by Latias_girl on 2004-07-04 20:43:10
I can't find that cards anywhere...but I have one because it came in my .//Hack Dusk DVD.

"Well, I'm not sure. A little voice in my head is saying 'this is a bad idea' but I can barly hear that little voice because an even louder little voice is yelling "LET THE 12-YEAR OLD DRIVE!'" - from The Cat in the Hat

Re: .hack//enemy
Link | by Rem on 2004-07-12 04:50:18
I know where to get it if you live in San Francisco. You have to go to the Japan Town mall. Once you get off the elevator head to the place where there's a bunch of restraunts (I remember seeing benihana there), it's down that hall, if you keep walking you'll see a dvd store. Near the front desk It's in a sorta big box on the counter to the left of the desk I'm sure you'll see it. Well they may have moved it but if you ask him he'll probably still have it somewhere else...
Sorry if that didn't help... I'm bad at explaining things.
btw is .hack//dusk same as the .hack//legend of the twighlight bracelet?

Re: .hack//enemy
Link | by Wyld Stallyns on 2004-08-10 10:16:18
I own a bunch of those cards, but I just collect instead of play the game. I mainly bought the cards though so I could get my hand on the cards of my favorite characters from the series like Kite, BlackRose, Ryoko, etc.

"... there's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line everyday of my life." - Church, Red vs Blue

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