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Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-13 09:58:35
I don't understand why people don't like Orihime. And why people likes Lacus Clyne.

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by on 2006-01-13 10:50:28
i like orihime,she's have that time magic thing that can heal..

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Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by yuyue hirakiseira on 2006-01-19 06:12:20
i hate both of them but some times i do prefer inoue

never regret for what you have done!!!!

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-19 06:25:21
yuyue-san....why do you hate Inoue?? Just curious. Is it because you think Orihime pose a rival to RukiaIchigo??

Orihime fans UNITE!!!! Orihime Inoue is far and much more realistic than Lacus Clyne. There are many beautiful girls with big boobs out there in THIS world that deserves loving.....there's NONE A BEAUTIFUL GIRL WHO CAN SING, HAS HER OWN BATTLESHIP AND BUILDS HER OWN GUNDAMS.

I do like KurosakiInoue pairing though.

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-19 09:00:02
I like Orihime because she's innocent, naive and weird.

I like her weirdness.....doesn't make her so much a Mary Sue.

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-01-19 15:25:06
I like them both

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by h4xordude on 2006-01-19 19:26:50
Why would someone start a thread about this? Both are cool, although I like Inoue more. Ichigo should go out with her instead of Rukia, I mean can't he realize she likes him? Ichigo's just clueless.

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Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-19 19:46:05
Because there are a ot of people who hates Orihime a lot, but doesn't know there is another one which is a far fetched character girl....yet they still love her.

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-01-19 20:19:13
I like Lacus! She's cute, itteligent, and kind!! don't know. Me sometimes watch Bleach but me watch GSD more...LOL...

Anyway, me still like Lacus more, I meant MO---RE than Inoue Orihime!!

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Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-19 22:04:03
And Inoue Orihime is not cute, intelligent and kind......


Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by maechan on 2006-01-20 00:54:50
Lacus is not cute, not intelligent and not kind!!
...Orihime's cute! I like her...^_^ laugh at us b/c we're different, we laugh at you b/c you're all the same...^_^

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-20 01:47:33
Finally someone admit that Lacus is not intelligent and not kind.

I cannot deny that Lacus looks kind.


I do not like Lacus.......

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by Daisuki on 2006-01-20 06:00:20 (edited 2006-01-20 06:01:42)
Lacus is cute, gentle, calm and a great singer although she sang just one song. Anyways I like her WAY better than Orihime.


Btw Meer was a ugly **** who deserve to die. It was none of Lacus' fault since she is was stupid enough to jump front the bullet and SHE was the one who try to ambush them. Really what a stupid ugly ****...

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-20 08:09:03
Meer went through surgery to look just like Lacus. If you say Meer an ugly **** than I think Lacus is no better than ugly ****.

Lacus can't fight. Kira Yamato can't fight with handguns.

Lacus goes....that means Kira also follows...Athrun have to take care of more people.

If Lacus didn't go to Meer, Athrun would have been able to take care of Meer better and bring Meer to Lacus (ALIVE).

I think Lacus is at fault for bring unnecessary danger when she insisted to follow Athrun, even when she knows it is dangerous for her. She purposely put herself and others at risk so that she can be the shinning beautiful forgiving angel to Meer.

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by Daisuki on 2006-01-20 09:16:03
Well when I said Meer was ugly I mean ugly BEFORE she look like Lacus I didn't think it was necessary to precise because I though it was obvious >.<. Anyways, handguns isn't all about fighting ^_~. Kira have his own way of fighting (GUNDAM) trying to hurt less people as possible. Lacus fight as commander of Eternal BattleShip which is also a way of fighting. As for the story with Meer, I admit that what you said have some right part in it but the fact doesn't change that Meer was JEALOUS of Lacus and try to ambush her. Also, Lacus doesn't have such perverse idea such as "the shinning beautiful forgiving angel to Meer" from the moment she EVER appeared in GS season 1.

Well, true I got carried too much with the ****. I am sorry if I offended Meer's fans >.> it wasn't on purpose.

I would say Rook has his own opinion like I have my own ^_~. And lastly sorry for this Off-Topic Discussion

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-20 15:19:21
So Lacus is not the shinning beautiful forgiving angel to Meer, eh??

then why WAs she saying (I quote using the subtitles).....

"I will go with you.....I'm the one this person calling for....this is something must be resolved anyway..." WHEN SHE KNOWS THAT THIS WAS A TRAP!!

I think Meer would have been alive if Athrun WENT ALONE TO RESCUE HER.

Lacus is not shinning, Lacus is not beautiful, Lacus is not forgiving, and Lacus is not an angel.

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-20 16:03:29
I would had like Lacus more if Meer would have been alive.....Lacus forgiving Meer and let Meer take the limelight of the show....while Lacus retired with Kira in a secluded area......nnooooo Meer must die. Her biggest sins?? For trying to be Lacus and trying to steal her show.

As far as I see was Lacus's decision to stay off from the Plant. Now the producer of the show kills off Meer and make Lacus comes into the picture as 'Empress Lacus'.

One reason why I hated Gundam Wing was 'Relena' who thinks she own the whole world, that she's the queen of the world with her knights-of-the-round-table at her command. Guess this element would always be in all Gundam series.

Lacus is not any better than Fllay.

Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-01-20 19:40:48
But really, why don't you guys think. If Meer still alive maybe she will still follow Lacus...You know, what Lacus do and everything else.

But still, if Lacus like Kira, would Meer like Kira too? Personally, I don't let her! She's better dead than live! Sorry for Meer's fan!

And she's cute!!!! Who say that girl isn't cute?!! Who say?!! And it's not her fault at all that Meer dead.

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Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by h4xordude on 2006-01-20 19:54:40
Ummmm..........yeah......(hasn't seen much GSDestiny, yet)
Inoue at least is somewhat more realistic/down-to-earth.
Lacus is cute/cool and all, but not as kawaii as Inoue (for me).
I'm just bummed she hasn't gotten as much air time as the others in Bleach have.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
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Re: Who do you hate more??Inoue Orihime/Lacus Clyne??
Link | by rook on 2006-01-20 20:35:45
Who says MeerxKira??

I like AthrunxMeer, just as I like AthrunxMeyrin and AthrunxCagalli.

Athrun to have three wives.......*My wildest fantasy*!!!

Let Kira keeps Lacus to himself and vice-versa,


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