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To anyone Who Loves Fruits Basket
Link | by Rinoa on 2006-01-14 23:09:43 (edited 2006-01-15 00:24:14)
Pls put what you like or dislike about any of the characters, ex:
Shigure: hes always there for you-sometimes-rare_..maybe not so nice
see? :)

Re: To anyone Who Loves Fruits Basket
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-14 23:25:25
*moves to anime*

Make your threads in the right area next time, okay? ^_^ It'll keep you safe from Gendou ^_~

Re: To anyone Who Loves Fruits Basket
Link | by Rinoa on 2006-01-15 00:23:28 (edited 2006-01-15 00:28:40)
did i do something wrong? should i delete this one?@_@...^^
s-a-c-h-i-e-l your like a gardian angel, thanks for looking our for me, pls explain my error so i may correct it^^

Re: To anyone Who Loves Fruits Basket
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-15 00:29:16 (edited 2006-01-15 00:30:29)
You might've noticed that after you click on Forum --> Home, it shows you multiple topics. Threads that are based on physics go in physics, ones that are based on anime go in anime, etc.

And yeah... I guess you could say it was the wrong thing to do... But at least you know now ^_^

And no, you can keep it. It's within the rules, so why should you delete it? ^_^

EDIT: Oop, you edited your post... So yeah, I am like a guardian angel ^_^

I think I explained everything in my post, so all is good. If you need any questions, click on my avatar and contact me ^_^

Re: To anyone Who Loves Fruits Basket
Link | by Rinoa on 2006-01-15 00:47:29
thank you thank you^^ wow my own gardian angel!^^ hahaha, wow were off topic but again-thank you!^^ people are going to be like this: ??????
hahaha, if they do figure this out, theyre smart

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