A little Help with Studying in Japan?
Hey! I'm a 16 year old U.S student and I will be going to Tokyo study/learn Japanese in July for 4 weeks. For a long time I wanted to learn Japanese because of my fascination with the beautiful language and culture. Now my dream is to become a teacher of English language to Japanese students. But I'm also a dedicated acting student and will pursue that as well as my teaching. I was just wondering if anyone could help me by giving me a few universities in Japan where I could possibly study in order to become a english language teacher. But I was also thinking of going to a 4 year college in the states to earn my teaching degree and work on my fluency in Japanese and then study in Japan for a bit and try to get a teaching job. I just wanted to know some other people's opinions and get some advice on what I should do? Thanks, Albee
"One's real life is also the life that one does not lead"- Oscar Wilde
"It's the best thing since sliced herpes!" - Splenda
Re: A little Help with Studying in Japan?
I dont know any universities there..but i guess if you want an environment that can really train you to speak jap then go to those..country side..=).. but i guess...the most famous would be Tokyo's university? |