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Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Luff on 2006-01-27 01:44:10
I love it, but it's such a short series. ;_; Has anyone got the manga yet? I don't think it's released in english yet actually...well anyway, the last volume of the anime is released next month in england. Yay! (I think... O.o)

*~*Jupiter Djinni*~* *~*Jupiter Djinni*~*

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2006-01-28 03:01:32
hello, fellow haibane renmei fan! yes, it was very much a joy to watch. i actually didn't mind its short length - sometimes it was a tad too slow for my taste, though its pacing generally did work to convey the dreamy, otherworldly mood of the series. i found its execution to be far superior to serial experiments lain (and definitely better than niea_7 and the visually beautiful stinker called texhnolyze) and without the long-winded expositing of background info that was imo the major flaw of sel. (strangely, sel is my fave ABe work... :\)

i haven't gotten the manga yet, but it'll enter my collection for sure. dark horse comics is releasing the english version - in full, luscious color - around may of this year. what i really would like, however, are the original doujinshi and artbooks in english. but boooo... there's been no mention of those ever being published in english anytime soon...

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-28 03:05:05
My brother has the first DVD, and I must watch more! I'm pretty sure my brother ordered the rest of the series, but it's not here yet! >_< C'mon, gogogogo faster mail >_<

Plus, it has all sorts of angels ^_^ There's even a character from Haibane Renmei in my new siggy ^_^

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Luff on 2006-01-28 10:50:04
They're publishing a colour version of the haibane renmei manga? O_o I must get that! I knew tokyopop were releasing a version of the manga, but...I think the colour one will do for me. ^_~

I just watched the first volume of serial experiments lain was very strange. O.o Very...worrying. Lol. :D And texhnolyze is rubbish...? Uh...beggar. >w< Lol.

I can't wait to get the last two volumes of haibane. It's gonna be sooo cool. :D

Angels are awesome. ^^ I've never thought of them actually putting on halos in that's very strange...I thought it was funny when Hikari decided to use the halo mold to make doughnuts though. ^^;

*~*Jupiter Djinni*~* *~*Jupiter Djinni*~*

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2006-01-28 15:50:02
yes! i found more info here:

hahaha... thanks for reminding me of the versatility of the halo mold. hikari could probably make bagels with it too. who knows... perhaps ring-shaped waffles as well.

comparing them to the angels of judeo-christian lore, i don't think the haibane are angels in that sense. i won't go as far as calling them devils, though there's the suggestion that they're "fallen angels" - rakka means "falling" - and that they're seeking some kind of closure (perhaps redemption) for events in their past lives. i've watched the series in its entirety, so i'm basing my theories on things you probably haven't seen yet. and it's pure speculation - i could be absolutely wrong.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-01-28 22:20:41
Haibane Renmei is my number one favorite.

If you haven't watched it yet do it now.

Possible spoilers from here on.
I don't think they are fallen angels, I think they are people with drama in their past lifes. I think black wings mean suicide, and haibane have a trauma in their pastlives that they have get over. Having to due with their name sympolizing what trauma they had. The day of flight is when they finally come to terms with whatever is bothering them. I think Rakka's wings turn black at a point because of an attempted suicide during life. This is so much assumption though. Does any body have an idea of what having to wear recycled clothes stands for if anything. So many mysteries. I love it. If any body wants to try to understand the meanings behind everything with me feel free to post opinions or questions. I am always free to talk about my favorite anime.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by floopy! on 2006-01-29 16:02:45
hmm i have to watch it again. it definitely has a lot of symbolism and it's not an anime that should be taken visually.
haha, i accidently started with the THIRD dvd of it.. but it still made sense XD

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2006-01-29 21:08:51
i need to watch it again as well... there's so much to take in - the aesthetics, the symbolism, the story,... i need to be more aware of the details too.

@ Jomunga, i agree with you. my choice of words were perhaps somewhat confusing. when i was using the term "fallen angels", i didn't mean exactly in the line of lucifer's fall from grace. as i mentioned before, i don't think they're angels of the judeo-christian sense. but... [spoilers from here on after!]

i do think that they allude to christian beliefs of sin and forgiveness. similar to what you had stated, a haibane is an individual with a deep guilt/regret rooted in some trauma from his/her past life. the person died before resolving or coming to terms with that trauma; as a haibane, s/he seeks closure/redemption. this redemption (or perhaps final understanding) is represented by the day of flight.

except for suicide (a major sin in the judeo-christian traditions), however, i have no evidence to show that any of the haibane ever perpetrated a sin in their past lives. perhaps they felt that they had, and thus sought forgiveness or at least needed to realize that they were already forgiven/had done nothing wrong.

i too suspect that rakka might've attempted suicide, or had wished for her own death, in her previous life. only she and reki ever showed signs of being "sin-bound", the blackened wings. in the last episode, we find out for sure that reki had committed suicide by throwing herself in front of a moving train. reki's wings were in fact blackened from the very beginning, but kuramori dyed them for her so that they would appear grey like those of the other haibane. rakka's wings, on the other hand, didn't show black splotches until her depression over kuu's departure, perhaps because her attempt in the past had been unsuccessful or that she had only wished to die (but didn't die by her own hands).

concerning the secondhand clothes, i think they might suggest that the haibane have to be somewhat ascetic, or at least show humility, as part of their road to redemption/closure.

it's almost like they're strict observers of some religion - aside from being required to wear used clothes, they can't go beyond the wall, they live apart from the townspeople (whether in old house or the abandoned factory) though they can still interact, they have to sport halos, they have to follow instructions from the temple,... maybe i'm reading too much into it...

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Luff on 2006-01-30 12:33:09
@ Floopy: I don't think starting from the third volume of an anime is a good idea... ^^; But hey. Better than not starting at all! :D

@ roasted hot green peas: Yes, that theory seems's what I suspected from the start really. Well, more from when I saw Rakka's wings turning black. I thought that was because she was putting herself under so much emotional strain. I hadn't thought about Reki's wings being black being a sign of her committing suicide, but it makes sense. Still, what sins would the other haibane have committed? That's quite an interesting thought...did they all commit sins? Maybe they just had bad past lives, and became haibane either to deal with the sins they had committed (repentance) or to try and find a better life (sorta like your theory). Like Hikari...I couldn't imagine what kind of sin she would commit. But anyway...maybe the manga will reveal a little bit more about the anime? They always tend to include more information in manga...

*~*Jupiter Djinni*~* *~*Jupiter Djinni*~*

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-01-30 18:34:50 (edited 2006-01-30 18:39:20)
More spoilers

I think they had lives with absoulutly no sin and their wings represent their purity. Halos are giving to them as sort of reconginition of their innocence. However despite their innocence they were delt out a harsh hand in life or maybe an untimely death. The black wings are a symbol of the innocence that couldn't cope with the harshness of living, hence suicide. The Haibane who never had their day of flight are ones who couldn't get over their past lives.

I think the wall is a sanctuary. A place for all the people who lead good lives and protects them from the outside. Outside the wall I think is a enless plain with other towns such as Glie and roads connecting them for the monks, as well as the wandering souls who didn't manage to get placed in a town.

Of course all we can do is speculate, thats part of the fun. If you watch this and don't bother thinking about it you won't get as much enjoyment out of it.

What does anybody else think is outside the wall.

My question is whats with the inside of the wall? If I remember correctly it had the names of every one. I don't remember that part well. Maybe I should go and watch it again.

And why do all Haibane have to work?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2006-01-30 21:01:11

more and more, i'm seeing haibane renmei as an allegory to life - for a person to die happy, they must have no lingering regrets. the day of flight is like achieving spiritual peace/admittance into heaven; the walled town is something akin to limbo. when s/he's ready to for his/her day of flight, a haibane no longer has any attachments to his/her past nor to life as a haibane. kuu, for example, became very peaceful and happy as her day of flight approached, giving away all her most precious possessions to the other haibane at old house.

i think the main purpose of the walls isn't to protect the haibane from the outside (though it might be part of the reason), but rather to compel them to find closure/redemption with their pasts. if the haibane could go beyond the walls, it'd be like stepping around a problem rather than dealing with it - the problem won't go away. and what physically lies beyond the wall isn't that important imo. i think it's the uncertainty of what's there that is.

i'm not sure about the names inside the wall either - i'll have to rewatch the series as well. i know that names are a very important element of the series though - none of the haibane remember their names from the past, and the name given to a haibane is based on the dream experienced in the cocoon. reki's name was the major catalyst to her breakdown and final understanding in the last episode.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-02-02 01:35:14
I wanna keep this thread going so... whos everyones favorite Haibane? Me = Rakka (just gotta love main characters.)

How bought the music too. Blue Flow is my all time 2nd favorite song.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-02-02 01:41:22
Me!!! I like Haibane Renmei, the anime is so much attractive, gives a very mysterious feeling for me.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Luff on 2006-02-02 02:11:25
Thanks for keeping the thread active! ^^ I was gonna reply sooner, but yeah...I didn't. O.o My favourite haibane is Rakka too, although I like Hikari. ^^ Actually I just like all of them. O.O

@ roasted hot green peas - How do you mean, names inside the wall? O.o I never really noticed anything special about them...are we talking about the haibane or the people themselves? Oh, on the wall? Ok, I'm confused. I don't think I've gotten that far yet. I've only seen the first two dvds. :P I should be getting the last two soon though.

*~*Jupiter Djinni*~* *~*Jupiter Djinni*~*

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-02-02 23:22:22
The wall thing is later in the series. Probaly on the 3rd dvd.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2006-02-03 00:18:46
i'm not sure who my fave character is, but i think i can identify with nemu - i love to sleep in, although it means arriving late to work... =P

i rewatched the last half of the series, and [spoilers!] i still don't know why the names are inside the wall. all i know is that the names themselves are important. each plaque has inscribed on it the name of a haibane, which changes to that haibane's true name once his/her day of flight is achieved. both names are phonetically the same but represented by different characters. the true name represents the true self/identity of the haibane. that's according to what washi said in episode 12.

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Luff on 2006-02-03 07:13:35
Wow, sounds interesting...I can't wait to see the rest of it. But I guess I'll have to wait. Maybe the names are just there to comemorate every haibane that existed in their town? Maybe it's so their troubled past will never be forgotten. Or something...

*~*Jupiter Djinni*~* *~*Jupiter Djinni*~*

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Le Rayl on 2006-02-03 09:51:05
Rakka sorta reminds me of Lain. They look almost similar too! Or maybe it's just my eyes... My favs are Rakka, Reki, Yuu & Nemu~

Although I've watched the whole series I still don't get the real meaning of haibane's existence. Why do the temple have to protect them when they're not really 'angels'? What's on the other side of the wall? *confuse* *confuse*

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Luff on 2006-02-03 09:57:03
Hmm...yeah, I suppose Rakka and Lain look similar to each other. Lain's freaky though. O.o And don't you mean Kuu, not Yuu? Or

I don't really understand the series very well, but I guess if you look into it enough you could figure it out. Maybe it's not supposed to be firgured out. Anyways, like I said before, maybe the manga will reveal more behind the plot? I hope so. And I hope it's longer than the anime too. :P Maybe you could find an essay about it on the internet. Plenty of people like to write essays, so perhaps someone wrote one on their theories behind the story?

*~*Jupiter Djinni*~* *~*Jupiter Djinni*~*

Re: Does anyone here like Haibane Renmei?
Link | by Le Rayl on 2006-02-03 10:17:50
Hee.. guess I mispelled 'Kuu.' It's 2.15am in my country & my eyes are getting all drowsy^^

Waiting for the manga is such a drag. *Sigh* At least Haibane Renmei is easier to understand than Avenger =D Yeah, can somebody explain a lil' bout the series? I'm tired of looking around...

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