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Link | by Nashi on 2004-11-12 06:53:34
Okay so there's this song that I want... and it is available to download, However, It's not sung by the right people. So, can I still request it without getting banned?

Re: Curious...
Link | by gendou on 2004-11-12 08:19:04
you may request it but please, make it very clear you want the alternate version

Re: Curious...
Link | by Nashi on 2004-11-12 08:42:53
done, hope that's clear enough O_o;;

Re: Curious...
Link | by Bernz on 2004-12-28 19:18:27
1.How long does it normally take for songs requested songs to be uploaded to this website GENDOU?
2. Do you also help search for the songs instead of letting outher users upload them?
3. Does anyone help you maintain this site?
4. Does the donations you received enough to cover up your expenses?
Just asking because of curiousety. Don't mean to invade privacy. Fan questions. Don't have to answer but I would like to know if you don't mind.

Re: Curious...
Link | by gendou on 2004-12-30 18:52:19
1. Some songs violate the rules and are removed within a day; say 10%. Some songs are removed after a few weeks, and never uploaded; maybe 20%. Songs that i happen to have on my hard drive are uploaded within 3 days, whenever i do an update; 20%. other songs get uploaded by members, which can take up to a month, but the bell curve maxes out around 24 hours for the upload and that can be added to the latency it takes me to get around to adding the song to the database for a mean average of 4 days, but with a standard deviation of at least 1.5.
2. used to.
3. yes! my girlfriend helps me keep songs online.
4. i pay nothing to run this site. i use my university space for the PHP/HTML/Oracle and my grand scheme for hosting space is no big secret. but if you consider how many hours of my day i spend (even during vacation!) maintaining and building the site, i get payed around ninety cents an hour. (thats about 15% of minimum wage!) i get paid much much more than that at my job, 10 times in fact! so factor in opportunity cost of my website puts me $113 in the RED each week! ...pluss electricity...

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