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Anime in the UK
Link | by Fanny on 2004-11-13 12:29:13
Where does everyone in the UK but their anime from?

Re: Anime in the UK
Link | by gendou on 2004-11-13 14:05:00
unfortunately, im from america, but i but my anime from buttown

Re: Anime in the UK
Link | by melonlime on 2004-11-16 08:52:07
to be honest,if its available in the UK then i'll get it here (like places in my town such as forbidden planet, travellingman, virgin, HMV etc.) but if not i try to import from region 1 (US) from places like ebay,, or*-*

Re: Anime in the UK
Link | by Fanny on 2004-11-21 11:31:26

Re: Anime in the UK
Link | by Hikage on 2004-11-22 02:27:09
Well I get it from here if i can.... as someone said get it from the USA or from somewhere else if I can.
Oh yes since I can't find hte right form (or been too lazy) could anyone tell me is the Anime (unsure is it) Fatal Fury any good?
I remember hearing the last one was released back in 1995, so do anyone know about it?

You going regreat your mistake, when you're dead.

Re: Anime in the UK
Link | by Nep on 2004-12-04 18:27:56
i'm from Australia and there are these shops called :
-Electronic boutique (which sells video games and basic manga like Chobits etc)
-Borders (books and some manga)
-Kinokuniya (GOT MOSTLY ALOT OF EVERY MANGA i know) except the newly licensed ones...but i think they order it from America....*downcast face*

Re: Anime in the UK
Link | by Lilith on 2004-12-04 19:15:29
I get most of them whenI go to HK, otherwise just get them from ebay~

Re: Anime in the UK
Link | by K.o.R on 2005-01-06 09:44:49
If I'm buying here in the UK it's usually Amazon, unless HMV has a good deal on (which is rare ^^ )
Otherwise I import from either RightStuf or Digital Eyes (which is by far the best value for anime dvds and cheap shipping too :D )

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