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Yay finally some good OLD games
Link | by Tsiju on 2004-11-15 16:20:50
do you guys remember mario? of course you do! man he's old but still but still busting shells. whats you gamer's favorite mario game? mine is the SNES Super Mario RPG legend of the seven stars. though i never beat it! lol ^_^

That is my way of the ninja!

Re: Yay finally some good OLD games
Link | by shinji on 2004-11-23 20:58:44
Though I must say it is tied between Wario Ware on the GBA and Mario RPG for me as far as Mario games go.


Re: Yay finally some good OLD games
Link | by rincewind on 2004-11-25 03:05:39
Hehe, im feeling old with this thread! :D
My favs are:
- Super Mario (NES)
- Super Mario 3 (NES)
- Super Mario World (SNES)
Aaaah... 2d Plataforms... lovely! :D

Luck is my third name... buy bad is the second.

Re: Yay finally some good OLD games
Link | by cath on 2005-01-08 14:16:29
my favorite is mario 64 *nostalgic sigh* my first 3D game.... Second would be mario 3 on the nes and third is the snes' super mario world :)

Too many guys around O_O *dizzy*

Re: Yay finally some good OLD games
Link | by Zarius on 2005-03-13 16:49:52
Ha. I was never a mario fan, I was a fanatical Sega fan... Shows how much i know, now their
Dead *Sob. So for me the good old games for me were all sonic. Oh, I did like Emporer's blade (KOEI) on the nes.

"I used to complain about having no shoes. Then I met a man with no feet. I asked him if he had any spare shoes.

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