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valentines day
Link | by Kimmy on 2006-02-01 04:29:54
what is the most sweetest gift you gave or recieved in the history of the past valentines'?
for guys,

my friend told me that valentines day is the most stressing day of the year. why is that?. my friend is a guy, i'm sure guys know .........well...

because ur a guy.

^v^ "Kawaii!!!!"

Re: valentines day
Link | by lady_rin on 2006-02-01 06:10:50
I would like to keep this topic going since Valentines day is my favorite day of the year next to my anniversary.

This is a post form last year on another forum. Before you read it I want to say,

"I am not going to be surprised again this year"

You all make V-day seem so depressing. May I try to make it right? After all it is supposed to be a day for true heart felt love and like you I find the commercialism a bit much. Until Ranger gets involved. For over 10 years he has done something unique for every Valentines day. Never extravangant, sometimes subtle other times planned well in advance. Always done with love and care and without exception it has always been a major surprise and shock.

This year I tracked it on another forum. Here is my post made Tuesday morning after making the resolve not to get caught this year.

I wrote at the end of a post Monday, Valentines day, 6:30am

I am not going to be surprised this year.
I am not going to be surprised this year.
I am not going to be surprised this year.
I am not going to be surprised this year.
I am not going to be surprised this year.

Posted Tuesday morning.

I found him last night at the Alamo with half a Guiness when I got back from San Berdoo very late. He had a box of candy for me with a very nice card and was sorry his plans had fallen apart since he had to go rescue Becca out of the park who had had a flat tire in Pleasant Valley. He really looked beat and totally in need of cleaning up so I told him it was alright and "let's go home and have a nice soak in the hot tub"

We get home about 11:00 and the house dark, nothing in the living room or bedroom, children asleep. He put some floating candles in the hot tub and music from the Ai yori aoshi CD, my latest favorite series, and we had a glass of champagne with strawberries that he said were also part of the original plan and he was really very sorry about not being able to do it this year. The bed was layed out with my favorite renaissance night gown and some chocolates on the pillow. Another part of his V-day surprise and another apology about it not happening and so to bed and sleep; perchance to dream?

"I am not going to be surprised this year"

*stomps foot* - I believed him. - *very sarcastically* "My poor darling, so disappointed at not having his Valentines surprise for me".

Tuesday morning over coffee he gave me a card and a large manilla envelope and said he forgot it to give me last night since we were so out of it. Inside what I found was a low-desert newspaper article from 1955 on Ranger's father who was one of the architects on Disneyland in the early 1950s. There was also a very old and nice photo with Ranger, his parents and siblings taken at Disneyland on opening day in 1955 in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle. That was fifty years ago and the card said it was for my belief in faeries and faerie tales.

There was another envelope inside. This one with an invitation to the official Disneyland 50th birthday celebration in May including 2 nights at the Grand Californian, a beautiful 5 star hotel. We've stayed there before but this time we have a suite. Wendy and the kids will be going and staying at the Disneyland Resort hotel. Ranger intends to duplicate that photo.

"I am not going to be surprised this year"

Daffy Duck said, "You can shoot me now. You don't have wait until later; you can do it now".

What can I say. Totally stunned, flabergasted? I am going to Disneyland, one of my most favorite places on their 50th birthday to duplicate a family photo taken 50 years ago. Ranger was nine. I cried. I still feel the emotion with the thought of going there for that photo.

"I am not going to be surprised this year"

The last thing I found in the envelope was a note reminding me that our anniversary is between now and the Disney trip.

*frustrated* *angry; but not really*

He did it again. He always does. I watched for it and nothing happened all day, just; Here - a card, candy and champagne. Am I really still that naive to have accepted that? Valentines day is one of the most frustrating in my life. It is always full of surprises and I always get caught.

I am not going to be surprised [b]again[/b] this year.

That was the end of my post.

The trip to Disneyland never happened. Ranger was summoned to federal court to testify in a case against some poachers from years before. I had to stay home so I got to spend a very lonely week. Our anniversary was ruined as well and I'm sure I made a post about it somewhere. I don't know about this year since things have not gone well for the past couple of months.

You can have a lot of fun on Feb 14th, just don't buy into the commercialism and use your imagination. It doesn't have to be limited to Valentines day either.

Happy Valentines day everybody. Love and kisses to you all. Even if I am a little early.

"I am not going to be surprised again this year this year".


Re: valentines day
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-02-01 06:12:25
in my country...
V-day's nothing but something else. looks as if everyone's missing something.


Re: valentines day
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-01 06:43:13
I never really cared for Vday....but now...that Eternal is here.....
*starts thinking*

Light and Dark

Re: valentines day
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-01 07:02:03 (edited 2006-02-01 07:24:43)
v-day huh?some of my classmates had made plans to skip school that day to celebrate v-day,and that includes me.although i'll be doing it alone...guess for the past 19years of my life,v-day is nothing but just another day to me.

i'm not really sure how ppl celebrate v-day in singapore.i dun see chocolates being passed around but most of the time,i do see alot,i repeat ALOT of couples going out.although there are a few interesting thing that happen around these a falling glass that slipped outta my hands(it what i called a lover's tiff and break-ups and stuff)...think of me as shrewed or sumthing but i kinda like that funny feeling whenever i see couples breaking-up during v-day

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Re: valentines day
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-01 09:56:53
same thing sero said never thought about valentine day but since he's here, i gonna mail him something...

Re: valentines day
Link | by miss kris on 2006-02-01 12:01:27 (edited 2006-02-01 12:01:57)
it seems that my bf and i won't be celebrating valentine's together this year. =/ we'll just be mailing our presents to each other (i'm sending him an ipod nano and he's sending me my huge doggie plushie!) because i'm working, he's working and going to school. plus, not enough money for the trip. unless he surprises me, which i'm hoping he will! i don't really like surprises, but if he does this surprise, i'd love it! :D

last year, our first valentine's spent together, our first valentine's spent with anyone...! we'd been together for 9 months at the time. it was very simplistic, yet so romantic. well, on his part anyway. lol. i was able to buy him some stuff (a lil' doggie plushie that makes kissy sounds, a card, a warcraft book he wanted, and a dogtag necklace with both of our names engraved on it), but he didn't have that much money for me. he did get me a teddy bear, card and '05 puppy calendar, which i still have tacked up to my wall, stuck on the month of december. but his gift that i loved most... when i arrived at his apartment, there were sticky notes stuck everywhere on his walls, probably 1 to 2 hundred or so 'em. each one had a note. regular ones saying how much he loved me or what he loved about me. others were specially marked, which i had to look for amidst the regular ones: "you get a hug!" "you get a kiss!" "you get a cuddle!" "you get a dance!" "you get a gift!" (<--this was how he revealed each of his gifts to me) "you get a foot massage!" "you get a back massage!" "you get a body massage!" "you get a hot, wild, passionate kiss!" "you get a hot, wild, passionate night of *you know what*!" i remembered each and every one of them. i never stopped smiling. it was all such a new experience for me. i never had anyone do something like that for me before. and i thought i was a romantic. he's more of a romantic than me!

Re: valentines day
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-01 12:13:35
w00t! Looks like Miss Kris had a blast there ^_^ Here's to hoping you'll have a better V-day this year! *raises invisible glass of champaigne without the champaign*

For me, Valentine's day is nothing more than another day. Another day wth my sisters yelling happy Valentine's day, giving out those little heart candies, and everything pink and red. I don't really like all the love stuff going on (since none of it's for me), but getting candy is good ^_^

Re: valentines day
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2006-02-01 12:25:26
Back in school teachers used to TRY to make me bring some presents and give it to some girl(u sorta pick a piece of paper out the basket and who`s name is on the paper gets the present). Never done it though. I dont really like giving presents on that particular day. Dont get me wrong i love giving presents but not on that day(makes me feel embarased for some reason). I also dont like getting presents that day as well.

I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: valentines day
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-01 12:28:35
Heck, I'd feel embarrassed too if I had to give out some candy that says "I love you" to a girl. Although getting it might not be so bad...

And wouldn't it be smarter to let you pick the girl and taking a piece of paper out randomly...?

Re: valentines day
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2006-02-01 12:58:42
The reason they do that piece of paper thing is to make sure that everyone gets a present. Not one girl gets 20 candy`s(fatty) and the other ones get 0

I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: valentines day
Link | by lady_rin on 2006-02-01 16:20:08
While Valentiens day os meant for lovers there is nothing stopping oyu from giving something to someone your fond of.

Still I wonder about this year.

Re: valentines day
Link | by Mei on 2006-02-01 16:26:57
Hello rin

Re: valentines day
Link | by Cutie-chan! on 2006-02-01 16:30:43
Valetines Day is coming. Since its Feb. 14, I'm just excited to see lovers on the way. Yeba!

Cardcaptor Sakura: Blooming Days!: Dreams and Fantasies Becomes A Reality

Re: valentines day
Link | by xPerfektlyFlawedx on 2006-02-01 17:26:41
i've never really cared for vday,kinda dreaded it actually.mostly because its never been great for me,never spent it with anyone or really nothing special ever happens. i dont expect it, its just that itd be nice to get a surprise.-shrugs-

"No... nothing lasts forever." - D, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust

Re: valentines day
Link | by Cutie-chan! on 2006-02-01 17:51:08
It's okay, xPerfektlyFlawedx. Were just like the same as we are.

Cardcaptor Sakura: Blooming Days!: Dreams and Fantasies Becomes A Reality

Re: valentines day
Link | by taishi on 2006-02-01 18:23:12
I have no GF so I dont give a crap, about Vday and im very sure no one admiers me. TO hell with Vday and all the couples, pretending that because of this one day they no longer have any problems.

a. bai

Re: valentines day
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-01 18:25:01
Anti-Romance power Gooooooooo!!!
(Thundercat-looking sword with a gaint AR on it grows)

Re: valentines day
Link | by Cutie-chan! on 2006-02-01 18:27:53
Although we forget about this, Love is really so powerful. Oh my God

Cardcaptor Sakura: Blooming Days!: Dreams and Fantasies Becomes A Reality

Re: valentines day
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-01 18:30:43
Yeah,its powerful,powerful enought to do harmful things....but only if your mind is susceptable enought to let it plant its seed.

Accelerated Reader power Goooooo!!!!!
(Same as last time)

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