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do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by KYOTO on 2006-02-10 20:51:52 (edited 2006-03-19 16:34:02)
i probaly might not believe that there's such a thing but i think there's aliens and UFOs out in the universe...

Gather again and devote your time. To those who loved this world once before and spent time with its friends...

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by TenSpot on 2006-02-10 20:59:40
Well, I'm not so sure about UFO's, but I do believe that there is intellegent life somewhere in the vast universe other than on Earth. I believe that it's pretty arrogant and egotistical to think otherwise. (I don't want to say that one individual is arrogant to believe that, but rather the populace of the planet as a whole it is rather arrogant)

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by KKshi17 on 2006-02-10 21:03:04
I don't know, but I think they don't exist. Many stories about UFO's were just some mistakes or a lie. The videos can just be some sort of effect and the photos can also be setted up. But if such a thing existed it would be very funny, though there are many people that are scared of them hahahahaha.

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by gendou on 2006-02-10 21:10:58
Do i believe in Unidentified Flying Objects? Sure.
Do i think they are extraterrestrial in origin? Sure: maybe asteroids.
Do i think life from other worlds has come to ours or ever will? Unlikely, so i would say no.
Space is big, so life out there is probable. But, that same bigness makes it improbable for us to meet them.

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by night_link on 2006-02-10 21:24:36
Oh, the Unsolved Mysteries shows I've seen about them...

Sure, I've no doubt about UFO's.

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-10 21:27:44
i agree with is HUGE.there might even be another planet just like Earth.Although i think the pictures that was created on how aliens look like seems ridiculous.and why are they always naked?

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Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by on 2006-02-11 03:02:03
You got that right!why are aliens always naked?why don't they have fur or some something,and they are always so slimmy,yuck,in movies aliens look so pathetic,can't they be cooler?

i believe in UFO,any object that is flying and in the same time unidentified are ufo right?

Image hosting by Photobucket 'Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see,Que sera, sera'

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by YeNg on 2006-02-11 10:40:49
I believe in UFO as well, I mean, the universe is a big place. You dont expect that the only planet who has living creatures is the earth.. do you?
But, I hope that the aliens are not like that, from the movies... Well, I wish they would be like us... Also, totally unknowing that we exist..


Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by KKshi17 on 2006-02-11 11:19:58
Heh, now that you told me, you're right. Everytime that aliens appear (movies, photos or whatever) they're all naked...Maybe people thought about the animals and about our ancestrals: they are/were all naked and so, the aliens too, since that clothes (can be those ones made from animal's skin, something very primitive :P) are a human invention...But thinking about the existence of such things like UFO's, which means that aliens are much more advanced tecnologically and intelligent too, that can't be true!! What the hell, they must be wearing something!!!!!Or maybe those slimmy skins are already their clothes lol.

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-11 16:08:27
yeah *nods* i sometimes believe in UFOS...

anything is possible...most things...

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-02-11 16:51:54
I'm starting to think that they could exist... but I'm not sure in the alien form. I just finished reading the consperiecy book that Richard Belzer wrote and it goes into a lot of different details about the possibility of aliens and ufos. While that is just one possibility I seem to like that one the best that I've heard so far.

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-11 19:59:29
Aliens could be here...NOW...anyone of us....LOL

hehehe couldnt help it....LOL

but seriously...they could look like us.

we could be aliens. O_o

thinking too much. LOL

however it IS possible....since the odds are there.

Light and Dark

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by night_link on 2006-02-11 20:02:37
Give me a "M"!

Give me a "I"!

Give me a "B"!

Men in Black!!

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-02-11 20:02:42
Why not? I have an open mind, but I also have common sense. There could be Aliens and UFOs.


Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by Mako on 2006-02-11 20:12:02
Yeah I can believe in unidentified flying objects. Oh and I also believe that aliens exist (even though I shouldn't)

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by blue on 2006-02-11 22:45:13
I do believe in these things

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by on 2006-02-11 23:12:34
The universe is very very very large! Because of its largeness, there's a great possiblity of having a planet identical to earth's environment where life is possible. They could have an intelligence far more greater than us, thus, they can design spaceships that can travel faster than the speed of light and could eventually reach the Earth. ^_^; Well, anything's possible. ;D

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-13 07:18:01 (edited 2006-02-13 07:18:25)
@13,MIB...i really liked that movie.especially the part where will smith said 'I made this look good...!'

but then again,i've been thinking(i know there's a law against it >.< ),if people were to claim seeing alien spaceships and stuff,why don't those aliens just land here on earth and show him/her/it,self to us?

although most of the time,what was usually reported was one of those crop circles.anybody know their true meaning?
or probably claims of being kidnapped by aliens and stuff...

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Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by Aeva on 2006-02-13 13:49:09
I don't believe in "UFO's" at all, but my fiancé does. When we were out for a nighttime stroll once, he swore he saw one, and we had to run back home in the shadows, so we weren't "followed". He was extremely jittery and paranoyed for the remainder of the night.

i'm in gryffindor!

Re: do you believe in UFOs??
Link | by desertranger on 2006-02-13 15:56:56
Yes not only that I';ve had sightings in groups with other people so we all saw the same thing.

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