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Gendou's absense
Link | by Magi Neko Sama on 2004-03-25 16:02:43
Gendou's Kitty here -^_^-, telling you all that Gendou might not be responding until the 17th or even later; not sure. But right now he is on his spring break traveling and after his spring break are I believe his mid-terms. So we'll see when he gets a chance to post again, k? ^_^ hopefully soon, ne?
ja ne~

"If one is to become a lady, one must not chew on her chopsticks!"

Re: Gendou's absense
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2004-03-21 22:05:15
So umm kitty are u gonna take over for gendou whiel ehs gone?

Re: Gendou's absense
Link | by gendou on 2004-03-21 22:06:23
if i happen too be away, it is alright to ask kitty for help with your account, moderation, etc.

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