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Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by CondoR on 2004-12-04 10:53:24
This is possibly one of the coolest Star Wars games ever. And one of the best first person shooter games I've played too.

"When all the guys at work look at me, they see a fat ugly loser. Excepy Craig, with the lazy eye, he sees a fat ugly loser and the vending machines."

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by shinji on 2004-12-15 01:41:04
Coolest. Icon. Ever.


Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by on 2005-02-16 22:26:36
Yeah, it's a pretty cool game. :) I play it with some of my guild members on Star Wars Galaxies.
I just wish LucasArts would hurry up and release some more maps, I'm getting tired of the ones we have now. :P (I never really liked the Jabba's Palace map.)

\"You are not ready to learn the Legendary Great Manuver. If I told you, then you\'d have to try it and you would DIE. But... it would be fun to watch!\"

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by mugen87 on 2005-10-17 08:53:07
Star Wars: Battlefront seemed like a Battlefield 1942 ripoff...until I played it and realized how much better it was than Battlefield.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by Tamanaid on 2005-10-17 16:41:08
My friend brought it down once, and I was addicted. Spent 25 mins on the Hoth level just so I could bring down an AT-AT with the tow cables. It was worth it.^_^

But Battlefront 2's coming out at the end of the month, so I can't wait for that.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by Stormsalyer on 2005-10-19 04:47:35
Lol u should be on the empires side it is so much more better the rebels only got the snowspeeders whereas the empire has AT-ATs which are slow but almost invincible against anything except for snowspeeders and the vanguard.The empires AI is also much better lol. Rebel troops act like a bunch of fools.....

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by Lord Strategist on 2005-10-22 22:32:04
Yes. This is a very good game indeed. The clones are my favorite army to use cause they have the coolest looking armor and they are a challenge to play as, since they fight the Trade Federation army, which has the Droidekai units, which can stop a whole group of idiotic computers in their tracks.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by kev on 2005-11-11 13:47:14 (edited 2005-11-12 11:36:57)
This is the best game ever(besides rpgs) i have been playing it ever since i got it, which was last christmass. It is so fun, and i hate the clones.
lastly, hey retard, its a 3ed person shoooter not a 1st person


Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by keita on 2005-11-12 17:37:14
in dis game i love playing da clones part lol coz i can use da jumpjet thingy lol but da rebels part i love it coz of its air craft lol n stuff it looks so cool dis game was darn great lol i plyed dis game 3 times 1st time was 2 figure how 2play i finised it den 2nd i learn how 2 ride planes lol 3rd i combined everything into tanks n stuff n play it hard mode lol haahah so darn nice by the way i hate droidekai turn here n dere sudenly get hit poof gone XD hard 2 control

Br3aK3rs F0r3v3r Br3aK|nG F0r3v3r Br3aKD@nC3 F0r3v3r A.K.A Bboy~dArK

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2005-11-16 23:59:05 could use some punctuation :P...anywayz SWBF was good... but space battle in SWBF II was even better... i love hijacking X-wings when playin as empire :D

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by Zyxro on 2006-01-10 20:36:40
I like zapping everything in sight with the acr caster. Can you ask for a cooler weapon?

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-01-10 22:06:06
yes - TIE Defender :P

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by aznmaster19 on 2006-01-10 22:17:52
its hard on the pc cuz it lags a ton esspecily on flora or mustafar. i stoped playing after i got call of duty 2

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
Link | by Strider on 2006-01-11 00:01:09
I've played it and wasn't too impressed with it, it reminded me too much of a star wars Mod they released for battlefield 1942, and that was sucky

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