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Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Link | by Meatwad989 on 2004-12-07 17:57:34
(Now, anybody who bought the game because the had the money and didn't like it, please do not respond to this)
Has anyone who either bought the game for what it was or is a die hard KH fan, if you have picked up the game, what do you think of it? Please no spoilers.

Re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Link | by shinji on 2004-12-31 00:28:06
I downloaded a rom of it and played it for a couple of hours, its pretty fun. The card system is intuitive and entertaining.


Re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Link | by nikki on 2005-01-01 20:36:35
*starts jumping up and down* Diehard KH Fangirl all the way!!! I absolutely loved the first one just got CoM for Christmas. The card system is, pretty much, original but takes a bit of getting used to and perfecting. For a GBA game I have to say it has splendid gameplay and I'm really not saying that just because I'm a KH fangirl. ^_^

Re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Link | by Keroro on 2005-01-02 16:04:17
The graphics are so gewd...
I just want the Sequel to come out though, jeezle!

Re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Link | by Shadow_BladeX on 2005-01-14 07:07:22
COM is so addictive(the good kind). Seriously, it's very addictive. I haven't stop playing this since I first put the game in my DS. I now playing as Riku in Traverse Town. Only need to wait for a couple more months until KH2. K.H. 4 LIFE 'N FOREVER!!!

Re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Link | by paky on 2005-03-23 23:28:15
some of the bosses are damned easy, others are damned hard... doesn this game got any middle ground??? bt its quite nice and the card system is well....original

:X:Neverendin:X: This is my story. It'll go the way I want, or I'll end it here

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