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AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by sorrowful_rain on 2004-12-15 16:31:41
I'm bored, so i happen to be looking for AIM people, anyone with an sn, post it here

You all mock me, because you don't understand why I'm different...I mock you because you're all the same.

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by Enelya-chan! on 2004-12-16 15:31:06
My name on it is YellowElf1387! ^_^

~Signed: Enelya.

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by M-a-m-u-s-h-I on 2004-12-17 23:39:47
My AIM screen name is::
super coconut100
keepin' it real with the coconut!!!

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by Shinoniwatori on 2004-12-18 18:41:38
i usually online except for when i'm editting...
AMV goodness yo!


Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by Jake on 2004-12-22 11:55:04
Jake3DTrains, in case anyone cares enough about it. :P

~ Jake

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by claus on 2004-12-24 12:33:18
If you need another person to talk to I'm on line quite often

I winner I'm a sinner do you want my autograph?I'm a loser what a joker I'm playing my joke upon you 'cause there is nothing better to do...

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by Ranma2k4 on 2004-12-26 12:48:18
I go by the name rodentick on AIM. Add me if you'd like.

"Which is worse, ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care." ^_^

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by Michael on 2004-12-31 04:02:39
TAAVG4U is mine. Discussion is unlimited, just no talk about Pedo, Loli, and Yaoi. kthx :P

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by shizu on 2005-01-02 20:50:52
hey yeah I'm usually bored online so I welcome people to aim me >_____<
---> freekyliloutlaw

The past is the past...
...and the future is the future.
A man is a man, and a woman is a woman.
I am who I am, and you are who you are.
Like it really matters any...


Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by hiriku on 2005-03-14 12:00:52
I`m willing to talk to anybody...My AIM: foreveaNdarkness ^^

Re: AIM: does anyone have it?
Link | by Hattori on 2005-04-02 20:02:11 (edited 2005-04-02 20:05:15)
my sn is dthscyth520, i'm usually always on just to dling things, play diablo 2, or just going online(chatting with friends and etc.)

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