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Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by EndingsAndOpenings on 2006-03-06 23:13:39
*Note* The world's population would die, not the planet.
There would still be food.
If you save the world the person you love will die.

So between the world and the person you love most, which would you choose? Why?

The truth will set you free. 15 years later: The truth hurts.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Jumper on 2006-03-06 23:19:10
Depends on what she/he wants.
How antipathic about the rest of the world are you feeling? A world which has rejected your love for someone for whatever reason may become a tempting target.
We should name anime/games where this decision has come up.
Sailor Uranus once said that without Neptune, the world would not be worth saving without her.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-03-07 00:12:14 (edited 2006-03-07 00:12:24)
This ye olde question has already came up before here.

Basically whatever my love wants, I will grant.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by neko on 2006-03-07 00:55:42
i will save my love, because, my love is my world.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by atenhotep on 2006-03-07 00:57:22
you mean I have to choose between over people or lover? Then I would choose to save people.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Nosebleed Rey on 2006-03-07 05:39:07
Sorry.. im no hero.. i have to choose the one i love..^___^

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by chiyo84 on 2006-03-07 05:44:13 (edited 2006-03-07 05:45:29)
i'll save my love. wouldn't be worth living otherwise.
also, we could re-populate the planet if needed.


i'll save the planet and then i kill myself and feel ok cos i saved ppl.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Immortal on 2006-03-07 05:49:02
I already thought of this situation and my decision is that I'll save the one I love the most. she means more than the world to me...

ok here's another question. which will you choose: saving lots of people who you even didn't know in a disaster but you'll die in the process and you'll never see the person you mostly love or let those people die for the sake of seeing the one you love once again...

my answer? none! there's always another way to get things done...think outside the box...

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by "slick" Allen on 2006-03-08 00:31:39
ok. if u dont save the world, we die... save both!
provided that you have such powers, you can. believe in the power of... your dreams! (parang startsruck) hahahah.

no kidding. ill save both.

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don't draw! as a knight of heaven i am bound to answer steel with steel. *van draws* foolish boy.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Altheus on 2006-03-08 01:04:12
OK, I'll save the world, cuz maybe it's not too hurt and I think he will be happy if I save the world...

-sine ira et studio-

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by shiroyuu on 2006-03-12 06:14:41
depends on who's the person i love most.

if that person's the one trying to destroy the world, of course i'll save the world, or more accurately, save as many people as i can.

if that person's the one who keeps everyone alive, of course i'll save that person. 'coz if he/she dies, the world will go byebye as well.

if none of the above, i'll save myself. 'coz the third candidate for the person i love most would most likely be ME. i can't do anything to help if i'm dead.

current favourite(s): niconico douga!!!!!

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by on 2006-03-12 09:27:38
so hard to choose >_<

i'm gonna save my love, i'll just follow what my heart tells me, just pick the choice that's most comfortable

Image hosting by Photobucket 'Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see,Que sera, sera'

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-03-12 16:54:25
My love would probably sacrifice herself to save the world, so I would follow her wishes. This is one of those situations where I would not make a decision.

Besides, even if she were dead, that doesn't mean I stop loving her.

To follow one's heart blindly would be monstrous, but to follow one's logic without question would be mechanical, and neither option is human.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Genocide on 2006-03-12 17:21:56
Personally, i would save the world, just because my love would understand that, we had our time, and its time for the other 6 billion to experience this love as well.

If it was possible, I'd die in the place of my love for the world, for what would be the point of living if no one else existed, there'd be no more new anime to watch etc.. Love is a powerful thing, but you must be reasonable, when its comes to the large scale, its the majority that counts.

Those who think they know everything annoy those who actually do.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by cloud strife on 2006-03-12 17:37:59
this is an extremely hard situation... letting the whole world dies means that u will be in complete loneliness void of the human race for the rest of your lives... mayb u have kids, but nobody else your age... So both of u will feel lonely eventually even with each other. No other connections with any human beings.... lol.... can't bear that thought. alone by urselves.... naahh...

but then, ur love... shes ur everything and ur whole world. hwoever, if ur the only person that can save the world, i guess u have to do it. its ur responsibility. ur the hero. of course she has to be willing to sacrifice herself but in the end, the world is in ur hands and its ur responsibility to save it.

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Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Ikei on 2006-03-12 22:29:23
Neither....Love is a thing that is overrated.....I live and die....the world would be a better place....techinically.....I'd just fade away...with the world....

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by "slick" Allen on 2006-03-17 20:37:58

ill steal a magic lamp and wish upon the genie to save the world himself! hten it gets sacrificed instead of me, the world, and my love!

hahaha... case closed! ^_____________^

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don't draw! as a knight of heaven i am bound to answer steel with steel. *van draws* foolish boy.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by Kino on 2006-03-18 01:22:33 (edited 2006-03-18 01:23:35)
i would save the world because the person that you love doesnt necessary mean he/she will love you back right?so why sacrifice everyone for her/his sake >_> bwahahahahahaha >:D

Kino Petto Kino Petto

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by miss kris on 2006-03-18 02:31:45
i'd save my love, of course. i wouldn't want to live in a world without the one i loved the most. and this way, with no one and nothing in his way, he'd achieve his ultimate dream of world domination. lol.

Re: Saving the world or the person you love most?
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-03-18 18:41:21
I'd save the one I love. Anything for her.

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

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