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Densha Otoko
Link | by bishi baka on 2006-03-07 13:48:49
who watches densha otoko here. It's a good show and really funny. One 's my favorite Japanese programs to watch.

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by Verrigrass on 2006-03-07 14:11:12
The movie or the TV series?
I like them both.

Verrigrass らめん

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by on 2006-03-07 21:59:37
Great show, makes me want to try the same thing.


Well, kinda. :P

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by Filter on 2006-03-08 07:48:06
I haven't seen the movie, but if the quality of the TV series is anything to go by, that's not likely to change anytime soon. I hated Densha Otoko. It was a load of goofy, unrealistic, nonsensical garbage.


Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by on 2006-03-08 12:16:42
Can't be helped though; basing any kind of drama off of so-called events on the intarweb is cause for something to be goofy, unrealistic, and nonsensical. :p

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by bishi baka on 2006-03-08 14:17:58
I've never seen that movie but I watched the series on fuji tv on sundays. I went to the chat room thing they use and tried to register but the only thing I could read wa where to put you name. That was in kanji too, I think I'm getting good.

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by Verrigrass on 2006-03-08 17:06:13
Information about the chat you can find starting with wikipedia. There you can find the original dialogue in japanese and some translation in english.

The TV series is definetely comedy. In another way, the movie version is more like a romance. The TV guy is a nerd, and the movie character is more like a geek, but not so dumb. Just a little shy.

There's also a 'crossover' from the TV series and the movie. You can find out at the end of the movie, after scores.

Verrigrass らめん

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by bishi baka on 2006-03-09 15:32:39
Yeah, I noticed it was a different guy. Why'd they change it I wonder. Oh well I actually when to 2ch and tried to registere but the only thing I could read was the thing that said "name" and some random hiragana that was throw in. I'd really have to brush up on my Japanese to post there.

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-03-12 02:28:40
I watch Densha Otoko The Movie. It is soo damn funny--!!!

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Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by miss kris on 2006-03-26 02:01:23
i've just started watching the series. up to episode 7. everyone is so crazy! but it is pretty funny. ^_^ hrm, i don't think i have the movie, hopefully the friend who gave me the series has it.

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by kuroineko on 2006-04-06 04:00:15
omg! im so surprised to see this post!
ahaha...i watched it this year and i foudn it sooo interesting and funny@ ahahha..can still remember bits and pieces of it. i like the main character! oguri shun! he acted in lots of movies and one of htem is HANA YORI DANGO.peeee! i like his look! but of course after the transformation la

black cat

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by Sir Diabolic on 2006-04-08 23:42:07
The best part about Densha Otoko: the theme Twilight by ELO.

"Insert profound and life-altering quote here."

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-10 05:13:23
Densha Otoko HAs Good Forum Freinds *salutes Densha-san* BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!
But The best part is the last posts for him......that was so good T_T

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by KrnPakRat on 2006-04-27 23:57:30
Oh, Densha Otoko. A shining beacon for everyone who didn't realize that even the lowliest of the lowly can get their time in the spotlight. I love this series

Ano, anata wa anime-junkie to itte hoo ga ii deshou ka?

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by DangIt on 2006-07-08 15:14:51
It is amazing. I love the show. It makes me feel like becoming Densha Otoko. The movie is coming out into the U.S. It's supposed to be Fall 2006 or something. They premiere it at the Anime Expo.

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by alt nacht on 2006-07-16 10:11:46
I'd be Densha Otoko, but I'd be too busy kicking the crap outta the drunkard that messed with me on a night time train home from Akihabara.

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by The Crazy Chibi Username on 2007-07-23 09:59:02
I've been reading the manga adaptation by Hidenori Hara and I love it. I also want to watch the movie adaptation but can't seem to find it on DVD. I know it's available in the US! If anyone bought it at Best Buy, can you tell me which section of the store I should look under. Anyway, I love the story of it, how someone as low as our "otoko" here can break out of his shell and find true love.

Re: Densha Otoko
Link | by otakujerryman on 2007-07-26 17:20:42
simplemente la mejor novela de tv halla visto !HERMES TE AMO¡


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