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Makes u wonder...
Link | by ryusuke~ on 2004-12-21 22:26:14
As i downloaded for lyk the 50th time, the thought just sudenly popped up in my head, "is this illegal?" Since music in general is illegal to download, i wondered if this was illegal. any1 noe?

i take u to the candyshop. i let u lick the lollypop. go 'head gurl dont u stop. keep goin till u hit the spot. WOAH ----Candyshop, 50 CENT (AKA THE REVOLUTION)

Re: Makes u wonder...
Link | by gendou on 2004-12-22 01:15:23
it is not illegal to distribute unlicensed media in the united states. also, there is no law saying you cannot offer "previews" of media, luck commercials or individual mp3 files. if i lived in japan, i could be sued by japanese companies. if i distributed american licensed music, the IRAA would be at my front door in minutes.
Gendou's Anime Music provides a perfectly legal service.

Re: Makes u wonder...
Link | by ryusuke~ on 2004-12-22 13:58:21
ok thnx! i feel alot better now. Does that also mean we can download j-pop and those kinda music?

i take u to the candyshop. i let u lick the lollypop. go 'head gurl dont u stop. keep goin till u hit the spot. WOAH ----Candyshop, 50 CENT (AKA THE REVOLUTION)

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