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where's final fantasy?
Link | by Gali on 2004-12-26 07:19:52
i mean really i come ( for half the reson) here for some FF info but people dont seem too know mush about this lovely art of these games ; )

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by gendou on 2004-12-26 16:11:34
what are you talking about? shinji has over 20 final fantasy songs. i have 5 FFU songs, even.

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by jhong on 2004-12-26 19:21:36
why not start a topic about the game? maybe we'll follow through...then, you could have all the ff info you want..fulfilling half the reason you came here.

love & peace

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by thundergod on 2004-12-31 00:05:22
hey, how can i beat Sorceress adel at the start of disc 4 of ff8? Well, one reason that i can't beat her is that rinoa's stuck 2 her and another reason is, i'm lazy to level up. So boring!! Pls. Help!!!

...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right... -wildstriker_09

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Rikku-chan on 2004-12-31 04:34:18
...i think the only way your gonna beat her is to level up....besides...its gonna be though through out the game if your not gonna lvl up

yooo minna!!...atashi no Rikku...yorashiku onegai shimasu!!!

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Rockoff on 2005-01-05 18:17:46
Seriously, if you've ever played an RPG through the end, you know that leveling up is key to kicking a boss's rear. I know it's boring, but just mute the sound and listen to music while you do it. Or you could just cheat, which I don't recommend--it takes the fun out of beating enemies when you've got invincibility or infinite health or whatever.

Anime is w00t. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. =)

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by cath on 2005-01-08 14:12:21
Levelling up is not -that- useful in FF8 since ennemies level up as well :P
Anyway, it's been years since I last played this game, but I remember you have to protect Rinoa and not hurt her (or heal her if she gets hurt). You musn't use g-forces in this fight.

Too many guys around O_O *dizzy*

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Ili on 2005-01-10 18:36:10
I finished the game a few months back and the last battle with Ultimecia was such a pain in the backside!
I can't really remember the confrontation with Adel but if you are having trouble now you'll be really struggling during the last boss battle.
Though I think your best bet would be to unleash Squall's special attack.
Or how about you go look at some walkthroughs. They usually give useful tips.
Best of luck. Though I think you should still level up, no matter how boring it gets. And believe me... I know how sleep inducing it can be.


There are worlds out there where the sky is burning,
and the sea's asleep,
and the rivers dream;
people made of smoke and cities made of song.

Somewhere there's danger,
somewhere there's injustice,
somewhere else the tea's getting cold.

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Bri on 2005-01-15 16:35:20
really u people! i have 2 FF games and i can't move anymore than i can and u people talk about beating bosses i havent even heard of!?!? *breath* but really- if anyone has FF X2 can anyone tell me the name of that song in the begining that the fake Yuna sings because i really like that song i just can't remember wat its called. *breath* so anyone just wanna tell me how i can beat the Guardian Beast in FF X2 i dont have the guide book i dont have that much money im practicly broke and anyone wanna talk about Halo or Halo 2? *pant pant*

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by wanderer strife on 2005-01-17 17:26:38
Have Zell and Irvine in your team ...
cast Meltdown on Adel, Aura on Zell and Irvine and Regen on Rinoa, don't use any limit break or GF that can hit both ... try to depend on Zell and Irvine's limit breaks (AP ammo is really good for this ...) and just let Squall slash (if he has str+60% ) or cast magic ... let him be the support in this battle, unless you don't have blasting zone or fated circle added to his limit ...

Ha ... oh ne ya do so say suwaka ...

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by OneOne on 2005-02-08 05:34:20
i was stuck in that place for a long time too, i recomend using break limits, specially Qistis's homming laser, use potions on rinoa all the time too

if 2=1 then 2+2=?

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Kajima on 2005-02-21 17:06:13
The Song sang by Jade from Icebox I think.. it's Called Real Emotion...

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Ili on 2005-02-23 00:23:52
Naw, Jade's from Sweetbox.

I personally prefer 1000 Words. So sad, sniffity!


There are worlds out there where the sky is burning,
and the sea's asleep,
and the rivers dream;
people made of smoke and cities made of song.

Somewhere there's danger,
somewhere there's injustice,
somewhere else the tea's getting cold.

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Tienko on 2005-02-23 10:40:08
The Japanese opening is sung by Koda Kumi and is called "real Emotion." ^_^ No idea why that "r" is in lowercase. Maybe a style thing. ^_^

Just if you were wondering. ^_^

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Kajima on 2005-02-25 19:48:58
Koda Kumi..very good singer I think I have her both englidh and Japanese Of those song
The English version kindna FUN to listen to

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by Flare on 2005-04-12 15:52:16 (edited 2005-04-12 15:52:43)
i agree. final fantasy should be included more in the forum. for example, i posted something on ffx-2 that might interest someone.

by the way 1000words is one of my favorite songs in a long list of ff songs. like melodies of life from ff9, one winged angel from ff7, and eyes on me from ff8 which are all excellent songs.

another thing, it about defeating adel. draw regen from renoa and cast it on the party and her. Squall would be your best bet in defeating her. With his lion heart limit break your basically unstopable. also its a good thing to level up to 50 because your strength will be greater than adel. that being said,"good luck."

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Re: where's final fantasy?
Link | by kyle on 2005-07-07 07:54:05
i love final fantasy... i do not know why anybody didn't reply to you guy's posts. final fantasy is awsome. if i had to describe it in 5 words it would be... the best graphical,fun game. i love chocobo's and summoning and all of that i just love final fantasy


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