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9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by gendou on 2004-12-26 19:50:34
Today on the news I saw that a magnitude 9.0 earthquake killed over 11,000 people in Asia! Apparently, the quake which occurred off the west coast of Indonesia, produced up to 40 foot Tsunami waves which devastated the coastline as far west as India.
I know that many of my users live in the effected regions, and would like to hear what people think about this tragedy.

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by Bernz on 2004-12-27 19:41:17
Hai GENDOU. I am a user from Malaysia so I can tell you abit of what is happening. Well yesterday it was reported that there were over 3000 killed by the tidal waves worldwide. Today it was reported that 11000 were killed in Sri Lankan & 23750 deaths worldwide. As reports come in more & more deaths are reported. In Malaysia the worst hit area was the state Penang. Countries in the east of Malaysia aren' that affected I think.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my condolense to those who are affected by the disaster. This is a sad day for everyone.

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by gendou on 2004-12-27 20:53:13
it is horrible that there were no warning systems in place. if people were informed of the danger, thousands of lives could have been saved.
does Malaysia have a disaster warning system? do children learn in school what to do if there is an earthquake/tsunami/etc.?

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by Bernz on 2004-12-29 17:57:52
Malaysia only has the one for earthquake but the Malaysian government is trying to get one for tsunami now. I think they are seeking help from Japan as the country has experirnce with tsunami. And about the part where kids learn about tsunami in schools well we dont have that yet as the country doesn have tsunami until now. Malaysia does not have natural disasters like earthquake, tornado, etc. The most comman natural disaster are flood, fire, landslide.

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by darkscythe on 2005-01-01 21:37:09
i live in singapore,but is not that much affected by the quake.
here's an update:120,000 pple dead as of today
thousands more missing

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by Bernz on 2005-01-02 19:17:43
Death toll reach more than 130000 and increasing. There are still many bodies still buried under rubble and some washed out into the sea. Hundreds if not thousands still missing or feared dead. Almost everything in Bada Aceh is destroyed by the killer waves.
Through these forum I wish to extend my condolences to those whore are affected.

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by Fri_Freeman on 2005-01-07 22:48:14
One of the city in Aceh just totally wiped out!
just like in that movie... end of the world

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by asurasohma on 2005-01-08 20:43:08
dude that must REALLY suck.... i feel sorry for the people... do you know any place I can donate? like the Red Cross or someplace else?


Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by Bernz on 2005-01-14 05:51:51
If everyone does their part by donating wether in cash or nessecities, then the suffering wil ease quickly. So the best way to help the survivors is to donate as much as u can.

Re: 9.0 Earthquake!
Link | by kirikus on 2005-02-10 04:25:39
i lived in bangkok but i didn't feel the quake, though the south of thailand got hit by tsunami and many died.....Still now our well known forensic doctor (the only one who actually work properly) is having a hard time and have to argue with the govt about moving dead bodies to another province....That is just sad Phuket will indeed become a haunted province if they move all the body there. I feel sorry for the forensic doctor since she also have cancer but she still wants to work, a very ethical and good person T^Tah i'm moved

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