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MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Sho85 on 2004-12-30 23:32:15
Hi,this is my first time writing in this forum.I believe all of you have heard about a new ps2 game called MagnaCarta.Most magazines in my hometown said that this game has the same quality as the popular Final Fantasy series.I also bought the game already,but accidentally the japanese version,not the english one(dun have any free time to play it though).My question is simple;what's your opinion on this game?

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by BMF on 2005-02-18 23:53:26
I can only hope they bring this game to the US.
I think the character designs are great and it looks to have a lot of potential.

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Seph on 2005-03-01 09:12:31
does anyone else release that thats also a legal charter or am i the only one who has taken a law course in school recently.

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Seph on 2005-03-01 09:13:25
Sorry i meant realize not release.

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by darkhunter on 2005-03-19 23:46:32
i think the game is cool, even though i havent played it.

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Daji Fujimiya Naoe on 2005-08-12 15:50:00
I haven't played it yet, but I love the art. Apparently it will be released in the States on December, 2005. I hope so, because it seems awsome!

"Dressed as an elegant vampire I wear the darkness". Mana-sama

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-12 15:57:50
I saw some of the artwork (it was good), dont know much about the videogame it self though, I only know its Korean (I think)

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by hanysal on 2005-08-13 12:17:26
i played it a good game but JAP!!!

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Ghoul on 2005-08-13 20:13:52
Im really interested in this game when i first saw it on the net too bad i cant find one though.

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by suviez on 2006-03-10 19:19:29
Is a really great games, u will regret it if u did not play it.
This game quite the same rank as so great,u must play,trust me

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-03-10 22:06:33
@ Seph

you can just modify your post. You doesn't have to make a double post.

Anyway, I already play this game (the english version one). I haven't finish yet but my big sis already finishes it. She also bought the japanese version of MC. I'm looking forward to see the game in jpns ver.

Overall, I love MC. It defeats FF! Since I don't play FF much, I play MC!!
I love the music--!!!!! I love Calintz. Love him-! Love him--!!

The game is different that FF is. You use chi and I love chi-! The players are 3 and you can move the player around-! You can use combos, or just normal attacks by using the key--> XO I remember XXX, XOX and OOO

And you can rest after a battle-! This is totally different than FF. believe in me--!

And I recommend you playing this game. I am sure--!

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Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by da_chocobo on 2006-03-11 09:55:03
im playing the japanese version first..coz the english version was not available then....n then i got stucked...i dun understand what the hell theyre tellin me to do...n so i bought the english version a couple of weeks ago...n know im too fed up to play it all over again...someone please tell me...what should i do?
neways...i played ff too...for me,ff is still no1 ... mc can be the second..nyo~

"I think I know, I don't think I know, I don't think I think I know, I don't think I think." - Ed (Cowboy Bebop) *n i dont think i know him,but i think we think alike..!~chocobo~nyonoda~*

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-03-11 16:43:53
@ Chocobo

Which part are u stuck at? Maybe I can help..

One question, do MC have a guide book--?!!!! Or maybe artwork book? Me want one--!

My sis have to replay the game again, again and again..But she finished it at last. She even bought MC:Phantom of Avalanche--! Nyuu--!

Calintz secret is exposed----! I don't wanna tell ya. It's spoiler--! And I noe it already. I saw it--!!

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
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Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by da_chocobo on 2006-03-12 06:19:05
y thnx for ur offer of help...atemu_mana san....but i`ll have to get back to u bout that some other i dun remember...*i suffer from short-term memory...heh*neways...yeah,ive heard bout MC artwork book once....there is an artbook but i dunno where to find one,sorry....which country r u from?*maybe i can ask a bookstore for u...wah lao...there is other MC that new?coz ive never heard of it b4.....ah...calintz secret?*tell me ;p *

"I think I know, I don't think I know, I don't think I think I know, I don't think I think." - Ed (Cowboy Bebop) *n i dont think i know him,but i think we think alike..!~chocobo~nyonoda~*

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by vanchrian on 2006-03-12 11:14:43
The charecters are TOO pretty for my taste. The main charecter looks like a GIRL! And he looks like he's wearing something that would look SEXY on a girl!

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-03-12 16:51:08 (edited 2006-03-12 19:03:17)
@da chocobo

Noo--! You can't ask me for Calintz litle secret--! You must play the game and you'll find out what it is--!

Oklah--! Me give you hint. This have something to do with Miss Ladrinne, Calintz and Agreian. One more thing, I always say 'mommy' everytime Miss Ladrinne appeared in the scene. Get it? (If u don't get it, I will tell u more hints, kay??)

And about the books, I don't really want it desperately. So u don't have to ask any local bookstore. Even if there is, I don't have money-! Nyuu--!!

Oh, about MC: PoA. No, it's not new. I think it's already long time. Cos' Calintz is still young that time and the characters in MC:CS are not in there. Different characters I mean. I don't know what the story in there but what I know is Calintz is called as the Phantom of Avalanche. Scary right?


Oh, yeah. Calintz really does look like a girl. And I know what you mean by that. On his chest rite??

@All of you!!

What did you guys thing if Calintz let go of his hair--? He must be handsome--! KAWAII---!

My--my, this maybe the long post I ever made. If the topic is MC, I'm expert in this--! Nyaahahahahahah----!

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
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Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by korento on 2006-06-10 10:31:34
I haven't played it but I've seen some pics and trailers and it looks awesome! Imagine my reaction when I saw MC in a local store! The only place I had seen it before was eBay. I almost cried because I don't have enough money to buy it :(. But soon I will get money and I'm going to buy it for sure! I really hope it's good game.

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-06-10 20:10:50
Hahah, I read "Magna Carta" and thought of the famous document.

Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-06-10 20:14:52 (edited 2006-06-10 20:15:22)
I have that game, it's a lot like FF. The characters are cool too but it's hard too say if their male or female with what they're wearing.


Re: MagnaCarta---->your opinion
Link | by hakuryu-kun on 2006-06-10 23:03:34 (edited 2006-06-10 23:03:51)
Gameplay is slow because you have to ensure the aura selection . Plus, it gets slower when even before attacking (charge first then attack! WTF?)

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