I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
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by thundergod
on 2004-12-31 19:15:32
guys! please tell me if you ever dreamed to be a japanese! Anime has changed my life and now i want to go there, wear kimonos, eat sushi, spend yen, learn japanese language, write japanese, sing japanese, dance japanese, live japanese, marry japanese, eat, sleep pray japanese! I'm an addict. please share your opinions.
...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right...
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
^_^ don't worry. I'm sure you'll grow out of the feeling. I used to fantasize being a cute japanese schoolgirl in my younger days =b. But then I had to go back to my roots in the end. Of course it's not a crime to turn japanese if that is your deepest desire >:D. So go ahead! Enjoy your japanese days. It may be something you can share to your children or grandchildren someday. hehehe |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
i really consider myself more japanese in the closet. i mean i'm not scared of what my friends would think if they knew i was somewhat japanese, its just it would be weird. |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
man, so do I,Japanese anime, anime music, manga made me want to go there right away to meet my favourite characters like Great teacher Onizuka, Samurai Kyo......I'm baka, aren't I :D But I wonder if Japanese schoolgirl is that beautiful as in the anime or Manga. I really like their School Uniform, that's what my country's schoolgirls don't have .Damm, I hate it!!>_<
Love is nothing
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
If Japan won a war on malaysia against britain in 1941> could be ive turned into japanese too....i really want it,sobsobsobsob!!!!~_~ |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
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by thundergod
on 2005-01-11 02:46:03
tnx for ur replies! hey! if by chance, u r reading this, can u please reply? i really need it! Tnx a lot! Peace out! ~wildstriker@ly~
...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right...
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
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by MegumiHamasaki
on 2005-01-13 00:25:15
Well I'm kinda new in this forum, but Yeah I've dreaming for someday to spend time in Japan, I'm even learning japanese. XD so I can understand what I'm always singing. I even tried to make a kimono jajaja!! Anime is cool, so does music, and the more I thing the more I will like to live there. Maybe someday!!!! Jeje it's so good to hear that I'm not the only one with the same dream.
Beginnings comes at random...
but endings always have meaning.... |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
Burn. Blunt but true. Ladies and gents, wanting to be Japanese is all well and good, and it's wonderful that you're so into the culture, food, and whatever else have you, but do try to find something good about being the race you currently are. And don't be dumb and pull a Micheal Jackson and get your skin dyed or whatever.
Anime is w00t. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. =)
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
I know the feeling... o_O I love anime a lot, and I'm just enchanted about everything in the series. My dream? I wanna wear a kimono. ^w^ Rawr. I'm even trying to learn Japanese, so just I can understand what I'm watching and the songs! Damnit, the evil Japanese anime songs! -thwacks self- Dun worry, hun, you're not alone. ^w^ |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
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by Seto Kaiba
on 2005-02-17 22:35:20
Well, I can understand you wanting to turn Japanese. I AM Japanese ^_^ But I agree with what was said earlier. Be happy with your own culture. ![]() sosogu inochi kizamu hana de kimiyo douka boku o tsutsunde |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
Yeah, you just earned so many cool points in my book... You can buy a kimono in the U.S...either find a Japanese clothing store (yes, those exist here) or go online.
Anime is w00t. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. =)
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
funny thing...we here wish we could somewhat be japanese and there are japanese who wish to become us...
So dark the con of men...
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
Do you think that Japanese's imagination is greater than any other nationality? They made animes , mangas base on their imagination and sell them all over the world, are there any country else that made $6 billion each year from manga, anime like Japan?
Love is nothing
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
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by thundergod
on 2005-02-27 04:38:43
whew...i've been gone for so long that i didn't know many people dreams like me...(i'm not alone! ^_^v) it's nice to be back here in gendou!!! well, still can't get out of my illusive dreams of being a japanese..it's really funny because i've been so proud of belonging to my race but...still...i don't know...wakaranai.......>_<
...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right...
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
I am from Greece... Most people know nothing about japan... I am an addict... Jfan. They cannot understand me yet I want to visit Japan as soon as possible... Hey... Japanese girls are not as beautiful as in anime... Be sure... ^^ |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
I'm chinese and I'm going to visit Japan sometime(maybe next year) and my mom is teaching me how to write, speak, and understand japanese because she had to in Taiwan. I don't want to be japanese because I'm already proud to be chinese and the way I am. So... mata ne.
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
I'll talk/sing in japanese and my mom says I'm going to become one of them! XD Then she sings that song... -_-' |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
I want to be japanese too. I love Japan and I want to live there. I want a kendama! LOL |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
yea its fun too much of 1 thing is boring after all :P ne mina? gambare! my class mate is 14 , she is japanese and gets 90+ for both >.>'. better to listen to japanese voices in the anime after all hehehe , watch those translaters imitate the voice ...... -_-;;; im chinese too ni hao |
Re: I think i'm turnin japanese...What about you?
I agree with you Rockoff. I enjoy and love the Japanese culture, and sometimes I entwine some of it's culture into my life, but i dont want to, nor do i have the urge to become Japanese. I can understand how all of you feel though, my best friends and boyfriend are turning Japanese; just like how you are doing thundergod. You should keep your culture but just take the things you like from the Japanese culture. If it turns you into a "half-breed" so be it. Dont turn your back on who you really are. And so what if others will think you're weird, as long as you're happy and you're not hurting yourself then "it's all good"! But do be careful of living in an illusion. |