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Happy New Years
Link | by jadekat on 2004-12-31 23:27:13
What do u plan on doeing this year

Re: Happy New Years
Link | by gendou on 2005-01-01 00:39:17
im going to be doeing what i always doe i guess...
hopefully 2005 will have more love and less hate than in 2004.
we could all use some more intelligence and less ignorance, too.
i believe that the boundary between years is arbitrary and artificial. what is important is that we make the best of each year.

Re: Happy New Years
Link | by Bernz on 2005-01-02 20:10:41
Every year, every month, every week, & so forth is the time to improve. As human beings we must keep improving ourselfs for our sake & man kinds.
PEACE, promote it. PEACE, love it. PEACE, good stuff.
Lets hope chaos will be brought to order.

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