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Link | by FoV on 2006-03-23 15:18:52
Tell me, as anyone here ever been to an Anime Convention? Is you did, could you tell me what it is like? And does anyone know if there are conventions in the USA and Canada, and in which towns? PLZ PLZ PLZ EVERYONE! I want to know more about conventions!

Thanks to all of you people who will take the time to answer my unanswered questions! ^^,

Even the most unsensitive meanies can have a soft side when no one's lookin

Re: Conventions
Link | by ~*Mel*~ on 2006-03-23 15:53:56
I've never been to a convention but I know you can find convention information on

Re: Conventions
Link | by miss kris on 2006-03-23 17:47:57
i've been to anime expo. been going every year since '03. i would like to go again this year, but i don't know what my friends and i will plan.

anime expo is usually hosted here in southern california, alternating between anaheim and long beach every couple years or so. but there are cons hosted everywhere in lots of other places.

it's always tons of fun. there are so many anime fans. a lot of 'em cosplay, so it's especially cool to witness that! (some people do very well, it's pretty amazing. makes me want to cosplay as well. and others are kinda extreme... *cough*man-faye*cough* if you've been to ax, then you know what i'm talking about. lol) the atmostphere is always busy and exciting. you can get to buy anime, manga, clothing, swords and whatnot, plushies, posters, costumes, music...all kinds of anime/japanese products! you can also get to see/meet/get autographs from whatever guest they've booked. sometimes popular japanese musicians perform! there will also be times where they set up rooms and you get to watch anime! that has got to be one of my favorite parts. i can get to like "test drive" whatever anime i haven't seen yet or check out an anime i'm interested in and see how it is and whatnot.

lol, i'm sorry my vocabulary is all over the place. usually i try to be eloquent in my explainations, but i get giddy like a kid when i think of the anime expo. cons are the most bestest thing ever for an anime fan!

Re: Conventions
Link | by on 2006-03-23 17:54:29 (edited 2006-03-23 17:55:17)
Oh man you don't know what you're missing...if you ever have a chance to go to a convention do's an otaku heaven. You'll be spending alot of money in a short period of time.

I'll give you an example of my last con.It was last years Anime Expo in Anaheim California...i basically went to meet 2 people...KOTOKO and Ms.Yamamoto (studio ego!).Have both their autographs which i'll cherish...Ms.Yamamoto even drew a cool sketch.Anyways it's an experience you'll never forget and you'll want to do it again. You get to meet leaders in the industry...(directors,producers,character designers,manga artists...voice personal...on and on) new anime 24hrs a day....attend a concert(saw KOTOKO's concert)...guest of honor panels and discussions....Cosplay (a whole lot of fun and awesome)...a lot of other stuff too.

Then there is the place that will suck away all your money...the DEALERS ROOM....find everything you will ever need....manga,videos,posters,garage kits,figures,games...alot of stuff.

My advice bring alot of money...the trip i took for Anime Expo all together costs me close to $3000 US (including hotel & plane tickets)...i live in Canada so thats about $3500 Cdn. Save up....but it's worth it. Already registered for this years con.

Re: Conventions
Link | by on 2006-03-24 01:31:24
Holy God, you're asking if there are anime conventions in the US and Canada?


Of course! :D

There are a ton of conventions, ranging from .. really small ones .. to big ones, like AX (AnimeExpo).

I've been to a local convention, called ReccaCon, ever since it first started 4-5 years ago. Unfortunately there won't be any more ReccaCons in the future due to management problems. -_-

Another convention I frequent (or try to) is ComicCon. This is by far one of the best conventions out there. It's located in San Diego (California)and is held for four days. I think it covers all of the San Diego convention center now. Though only a part of it covers anime/manga, it's slowly growing every year. I'd go into the background for ComicCon, but it'd be too much. I can say, though, that I would rather go to ComicCon than big anime conventions for this reason: overly obsessed cosplayers. :( No offense to anyone, but I can't stand most cosplayers.

..okay, I went off topic a bit there.

Anyway, conventions are great events that hold nice experiences. If you can, I suggest going to any convention closer to you. Bring friends as well! While small cons won't have the luxuries of bigger cons, the experience is just about the same.

Re: Conventions
Link | by shiroyuu on 2006-03-24 02:01:59
ah, as a matter of fact, i have been to an anime convention before, despite being a non-otaku (for my case, most of the convention-goers at that time were obviously otakus). the main reason i went was 'coz of RO (not for the anime, but for the online game). =p

my sister and i got separated from our mom 5 minutes after we entered the convention hall (it's THAT packed). i remember a lot of people were eyeing me, since it SO HAPPENED that my outfit & hairstyle was very similar to yami no matsuei's hisoka's.

then there were hourly anime character drawing contests, cosplay contests, anime souvenir sales, anime quizzes (which occassionally the emcee added in some RO questions)... and of course, anime DVD bazaar. but they're still dang expensive.

sorry i can't provide you answer on anime conventions in US and Canada since i don't live in those places. ^^;

current favourite(s): niconico douga!!!!!

Re: Conventions
Link | by flamegod on 2006-03-24 04:12:18
i did went to a anime convention theres were so many otaku there.....-__-
And that was the time i first found chrno crusade*tears of joy*T_T

Re: Conventions
Link | by on 2006-03-25 05:58:20 (edited 2006-03-25 06:00:15)
I've been to convention once. I felt great i swore i'll never miss any convention ever again (in my country, i mean).

As for your question, there'll be a convention in Baltimore, Maryland this coming August. The convention's called "Otakun 2006". The've been doing it for quite a long time now and i've heard from my fellow forum mates (from another forum) that last year was great and they're expecting more this year.

I dunno if it's close to your place but that's all i know. Hope it helped.

For more info, check their site:

Re: Conventions
Link | by FoV on 2006-03-26 13:04:23
*tears* Aw men, I always knew I missed something, but know I want to go to a convention more then ever! Hum, thanks for your infos guies, but could anyone provide me with a convention that is hold in the USA or in CANADA and that is close from the province of Quebec? You see, I dont get to travel a lot, but if I do someday, I know where I'll be going! (to LOTS and LOTS of conventons!)...

So thank you all for your help! ^^,
BTW, do they take canadian money in conventions? Just asking! ^^,

Even the most unsensitive meanies can have a soft side when no one's lookin

Re: Conventions
Link | by on 2006-03-26 13:42:43 (edited 2006-03-26 13:50:16)
Anime North is probably what you are looking for Lil Inu-Fov. It's being held in Toronto, May 26th-28th, hope that helps.


Re: Conventions
Link | by FoV on 2006-03-30 14:57:53
Thanks Jonathon! I'll try and search info on that convention...Thanks ALOT!!!


Even the most unsensitive meanies can have a soft side when no one's lookin

Re: Conventions
Link | by on 2006-03-30 14:59:54
No problem, it was a pleasure to help. The website is simply


Re: Conventions
Link | by Severen on 2006-05-25 15:21:12
I just attended The Anime Central Con in Chicago,IL. It was awesome!

if you want to check out some of the pics I took check out Not all turned out that great but oh well.

A few friends of mine are traveling from Saint Louis, MO (Here) to California for the Anime con in California. That's the biggest one in the USA That i'm aware of.

Re: Conventions
Link | by on 2009-10-07 17:57:56
I attended a convention earlier this year in Ohio.

If anyone needs information about anime conventions, check out! It gives the locations of conventions by country, type, and year.

Hope this helps someone looking for a con.

Ulquiorra is Claimed

Re: Conventions
Link | by shesshomaru-sama on 2010-04-03 13:50:24
thanks for the covention info. if one is close enough i'm going to go.

hope to have a great time here. i love anime!Photobucket

Re: Conventions
Link | by on 2010-04-03 16:05:59
I'm envious.. XD

ag CarRoT

Re: Conventions
Link | by shesshomaru-sama on 2010-04-03 16:37:38
same here, i wish that i'd gone to one. it has got to be thee best experience of your life.^_^

hope to have a great time here. i love anime!Photobucket

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