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Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Ming-Chan on 2006-04-06 02:30:54
Now, I've already started a post about which game should be a movie, right? Unfprtunately, a movie, at best, will only lasts like, 3 hours tops, so it'll be beter if it's made into an anime, right? So... what game do you think will be worthy enough to enter the anime buisness?

PMR...PMR... 1 month...

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by on 2006-04-06 02:38:59
Well, besides all the various H games that have been turned into anime (:P) ... I'd like to see Tenchu and Metal Gear Solid animated. :o

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Naruto on 2006-04-06 03:26:21
That would be Naruto even though I never payed that game.......
That's my choice!!!!!

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Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by angelo_caduto666 on 2006-04-06 06:44:56
Kingdom hearts... or ZOE although it was already a movie, red ninja, resident evil, and devil may cry franchise. on a seperate note maybe we need some games based on GOOD ANIME sounds smart huh... no DBZ or naruto.. But like desert punk or hellsing (MAINSTREAM GAMES WOULD BE GOOD NOT CHEAP INDEPENDANT COMPANIES) trigun, berserk, prinsess mononoke,or vampire hunter?

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Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by sealedsprite on 2006-04-06 07:05:32
Kingdom Hearts!!!! Final Fantasy series...suikoden...tales series(although some r already animes but i want morE!!!!)

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-04-06 08:07:17
I would love to see Lufia animated into a series

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Crossfade on 2006-04-06 13:43:52
I would love to watch guilty gear as well :D

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by ninjagirl on 2006-04-06 16:42:18
I think the Jak games or the Sly Copper games should be an anime series or a movie.

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-04-06 17:03:42
Gulty Gear and Fire Emblem would make good anime...

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Resha006 on 2006-04-08 04:50:00
Fushigi yuugi! definitely!

Hello. I am Risha it\\\'s nice to meet you

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by YoYotheCananbalisticOreo on 2006-04-08 04:56:32 (edited 2006-04-08 04:59:54)
kingdom hearts, fire emblem, zelda, final fantasy, star craft, metal gear, resident evil

I could give no less because I could give no more. ~myself

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Lucifer on 2006-04-08 06:13:04
Fushigi Yuugi and Final Fantasy..

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-04-08 08:13:07
Eh...doesn't there is an anime Fushigi Yuugi?? or you guys mean the Fushigi Yuugi~Genbu Kaiden~??If is FY Genbu Kaiden then have to wait for it^^
I also would like to see DEVIL MAY CRY in anime as well^^~


Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Ko-chan on 2006-04-11 00:48:27
I would like to see Tales of Symphonia made into an anime, i think Tales of Phantasia was.. o_o I think Fire Emblem is a good choice too ^^ It would be awesome to watch an anime based on Zelda too!

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Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by xslash on 2006-04-11 13:14:43
probably Samurai Shodown , Yumeji neetama wa kowaiii >_<

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-04-12 00:57:58 (edited 2006-04-12 00:58:09)
Hahaha Elfen Lied!!!

The gore

The violence

I'd love to have a game of this anime!

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Cloudos on 2006-04-12 04:41:37
i did like to see Super Mario turn into an anime LOL probably make loses on that one.

Fatal Frame should probably come out an anime

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by on 2006-04-12 20:59:31
Final Fantasy already had anime.

Another game that would make a good anime would be La Pucelle Tactics. Though that game already has an anime-like plot .. well, then it would turn into your average anime, wouldn't it? x.O

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by Razgriz on 2006-04-13 10:09:01
Ehh..Tetris,. no no., all of the Rpg game, they should be fine.

~ Consider Carefully - Act Accordingly ~

Re: Which game should be an anime?
Link | by on 2006-04-13 11:14:38
maplestory,lol,it would be cool if there was an anime featuring maplestory i bet.

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