Registered:2006-12-01 16:17:13
Latest Activity:2012-10-22 16:52:54
Forum Entries: View All (11)
Buddies: has 55 buddies in list, is on 55 buddy lists
Song Ratings: View (25)
Battle Stats: Wins: 189, Losses: 128, Ratio: 59%, View Standing
Polls: 8 votes
About Me: i'm from peru (latin-america) and i like watching all kinds of animes and playing most of games :D really friendly for a pragmatic huy so glad to meet all ^^
i [CENSORED] all my wives and ex-wives (even the one not it my profile)and all my gendou familly wich is so long that i forget the members of the familly very often :P ^^
at the moment i'm learning the basics of html code so i'm messing with my profile changing things ^^
my avatars are:

made by rei
made by rei
made by kazuma
made by my dearly dear ehmzhie~wifey
made by my dear saru-sis (one of fav avys)
made by my dear ehmzhie~wifey
made by the fondle queen inx
made by the fondle queen also
made by the fondle queen as well (so cool btw)
made by meh dearly sis lacus!!
made by meh beluved wife chibi-catte ^^
made by meh beluved wife chibi-catte also ^^
made by eav (even though no one asked ;)
made by quack (zomg this one owns giggity)
made by susana (latin-hotty)
made by susana (latin hottie)
also there's my baby-L with my first beloved wife ehmzhie ^^
also i made a little poem for meh wifey chibi-catte with a rukia background and here it is ^^

and then i had to make one for meh beloved ehmzhie-wifey ^^

and this one is the one i made for my wifey blazie ^^

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix
So i pray and smile upon a star [-Full Metal Alchemist-]

Marriage History:
View 2008-02-23 18:42:14
View ehmz 2007-03-20 13:13:42 2007-05-04 23:32:04
View 2007-05-06 21:15:37 2007-08-25 23:41:18
View 2008-05-25 11:28:22

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