Ryoko no baka
Registered:2006-02-27 17:52:37
Latest Activity:2012-08-15 17:23:12
Forum Entries: View All (534)
Buddies: has 4 buddies in list, is on 5 buddy lists
About Me: ehto... My real japanese name is actually Ryoko, lol. And yes, I am a huge baka. haha. But other than that I love singing, dancing, and drawing. I'd love to publish my own manga one day... but due to school, and stress, not much leftover time to completely finish even one of my already started mangas. ==_==... Y.Y I live in the T.O, yeah, lol, and am a hopeless Hakusen... TT.TT, sometimes I think anime/manga, music is the only thing that gets me through life. But that's just me. Muahhaha. I'm new at this forum thing, so, douzo yorushiku minna-san! Hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu! (yeah, um my computer's not supporting japanese characters... yet... *evil grin*)

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