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Registered:2008-07-24 13:53:03
Latest Activity:2023-10-05 03:20:20
Buddies: has 8 buddies in list, is on 5 buddy lists
Battle Stats: Wins: 62, Losses: 107, Ratio: 36%, View Standing
About Me: Hey guys.My name is Denzil.Some call me den-chan and some do not.I am humorous person though i can be irritating.I love anime's and manga's.My favorite anime would Slam Dunk and my favorite manga is Prince Of Tennis(it is the only one i read).You can find me on genodu,espically on thursday,friday and saturday.My favorite song is Shounen heart by home made kazou,the chain and anata dake mistumeter'u.CYA all in the chat or maybe around
Image and video hosting by TinyPic This is a picture from slam dunk...well i edited it.Hope u like it. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Well this is a picture from my favorite anime Slam Dunk

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