Registered:2006-12-29 17:41:03
Latest Activity:2017-06-03 18:59:48
Forum Entries: View All (224)
Buddies: has 4 buddies in list, is on 13 buddy lists
Ignored: ignoring 1 users, ignored by 0 users
Song Ratings: View (8)
Contributions: 0 pending, 9 accepted, 3 rejected
Polls: 6 votes
Crypto. Challenges: View All 1 challenges completed, 100 points earned
About Me:
Well. IM EVIL, loves science. But i cant seem to sastify my thirst for knowledge.

Valve of my life,
Braised by ignore.
Childhood, relics of the past,
sent to incinerate.
without chains of warmth,
sent to wonder,
in the ever changing,
steps of life.

The changes in life pours before I can react. Overwhelmed by this change, i seek refuge in the past, only to find what holds me in the past being thrown away, and consequently, my memories.

I lurk in forums, and chat logs.Only posting if I need to >.<

if only everytihng was simpler...

Im so left behind... everyone in my class is adapting well to the influx of maths homework. But as i do, i get slower and slower... and i get confounded by more and more things...

  • tsubasa reservior cronicles
  • Nanoha A's, Nanoha
  • DN angel
  • Jubei Chan 1 and 2
  • Zatch bell (konjiki no gash bell)
  • Death note (which i cant watch finish)
  • Other short animes. I dun really like long ones. Eg, naruto, DBz etc.

  • Song: Scab (i find the lyrics meaningful)
    Song of storm and fire. Well its nice >_>

    A friend of today is an enemy of tomorrow.
    I am an empty shell. I don't feel loved at all

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