About Me:
Hi! I'm a white mage. I can cast white and green magic. My weapons are two magic gloves: one is white and the other one is green, each one of my gloves casts differents spells, the WHITE glove casts WHITE MAGIC and the GREEN glove casts GREEN MAGIC .
My name? Ummm...... Just call me WHITE MAGE 1000! OK?! Well, now let me talk about things that I like: I like SAILOR MOON , SAILOR CHIBIMOON , SAILOR MERCURY , SAILOR MARS , SAILOR JUPTER , SAILOR VENUS , SAILOR PLUTO , SAILOR URANUS , SAILOR NEPTUNE and SAILOR SATURN . I'm also LOOOOOOOOOVE FINAL FANTASY, here are some characters that I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE too: SQUALL , YUNIE , QUISTIS , ZELL , SELPHIE , IRVINE , EDEA , CID , SEIFER , FUJIN , RAIJIN , LAGUNA , KIROS , WARD , ELLONE , IFRIT , SIREN , ZIDANE , ORLAN , GARNET , STEINER , FREYA , QUINA , EIKO , AMARANT , BEATRIX , LANI , RUBY , MIKOTO , KUJA , YUNA , RIKKU , TIDUS , WAKKA , LULU , KIMAHRI , AURON , JECHT , SEYMOUR , YUNALESCA , the CACTUARS , the MOOGLES , and the CHOCOBOS . It's sad knowing this site only have Anime Musics and doesn't have Final Fantasy Musics, but it's all right because I already have all the soundtracks and theme songs of FF8, FF9, FF10, FF10-2 and FF12 (only the "Kiss me Goodbye" theme song: English and Japanese) in MP3. Well, let's stop here, if I continue on, I think it'll MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH time, OK?! |