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should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2006-12-05 13:24:37
my birthday is coming and i think that would be nice if my present to myself would be kingdom hearts I...
but i don't know if is cool or not...
i don't know anyone who alredy played, so i decided to ask you guys...
i like final fantasy very much...
one--> because of the grafics
two--> because it is RPG tipe

i hope someone can help me

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2006-12-09 13:37:18 (edited 2006-12-09 13:38:18)
Kingdom hearts I is a good way to find out the storyline, but the battles are much more tougher than that in the second Kingdom Hearts. So if ya wanna be a good player, Kingdom Hearts I is the way to go, but if ya want the action and better battling system, then Kingdom Hearts II might be a better choice. :P That's ultimately up to you.

Not to mention, Kingdom Hearts I is now $19.99 so it's pretty cheap. Compared to KingdomHearts II which is around $39.99 But don't let that stop ya. :P

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2006-12-09 13:46:51
It depends on how old and what your tastes are. KH has FF characters, it's basically set as an action game with RPG elements like levels and the Disney involved makes it extremely cheesy at some points.

I basically sat around while my friend played it, I played it a bit but I hated it for a few reasons.

1. It's like an action game, except action games are better.
2. The story was painfully obvious and I had it figured out before anything even happened. It's also pretty generic.
3. It's rated E, which means no blood of any sort, language is kept to a childs level and the storyline is all roses and fun.
4. It makes the FF characters look like losers who dropped to Level 1 when they entered the game from their own.

This was my opinion. I've always thought KH is a kids game and it's just not worth my time, but this is your choice so rent it or something first and see if your not sure. Don't get it just because critics say it's good.


Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-04-27 07:33:53
it would be easier for you to buy the game...then see it for yourself^^

You can visit me there!!

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-05-14 03:42:44
Personally i feel KH is sorta... childish... i mean seriously~~~ disney characters?????? bt many people like the game.. so i guess its up to u... although playing ur favourite FF characters in one game WOULD be cool ^^

~My Signature Has Been Removed By The Moderator Because It Is Too Hawt For You To See XD~
~I Don't Smoke...There Are Cooler Ways To Die~

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-05-14 04:29:25
OK.. I kinda agree with Jon..

I just bought KH2 for my lil bro.. He's 12 this year by the way.

And as i saw him play. There are FF characters in there. But its SOOO not how they use to look like in FF... Kinda like a modernised version.

And i personally think that the Disney element killed the game for more matured/experienced RPG players that.. Perhaps been exposed to Tales Of series, Ar Tonelico, or even Final Fantasy fans from the classics era...

But if you're about my lil bro's age than KH should be fun for you.. A little Disney Background knowledge is nice, since the levels i think involves the main character going through different Disney worlds and their stories...

And the fact that FF characters are teamed up is a bonus... Just dont expect to see em TOO MUCH, just.. Sometimes... This is of course, Kingdom hearts... NOT Final Fantasy...


Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by forest on 2007-05-15 05:08:26
Yea, kinda agree with the others, although i'm a big kid myself XD
And has anyone played Chain of Memories? My bro just downloaded the game (yes, i know it's illegal)

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-05-15 05:26:48
hey give it a try! if you think you'll enjoy kh then go for it...its an action rpg game....its good..pretty good...just dont expect ff caliber a ff caliber story and your good to go...low expectations sometimes is the key to enjoy a good(not great) game.just dont expect too much from it

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by imppy on 2007-05-15 06:19:48
o m g

there is no need to question if KH is worth to buy or not :0
it's one of the masterpiece of every ARPG there is!
Buy it, Dragonfly ^^

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by hikari_sora on 2007-05-15 08:14:36
Well, it depends on your taste too. The battle is harder than the second one though. I myself is a Kingdom hearts series fans, I thought it was good.
But still it depends on you. -_-

~~Chrizz~~ ^_^

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by PoMbO on 2007-05-19 16:02:08
If I were you, I would look 4 Kingdom Hearts I/II Final Mix versions. Recommended.

*** Master of Kazerin-ryuu Kara-Ki-Kenjutsu ***

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-05-19 16:26:56
I agree with PoMbO. But Kingdom Hearts I Final Mix is only sold in Japan, so you would have to import it. And, there are only... Three additional scenes? Its not really worth it.
Go for KHI. Definitely. I absolutely love that game, regardless of all of the relentless bashing I recieve for it at school and other places. Sure, there is Disney, and yes there are Final Fantasy characters. But don't forget that it was Nomura's idea.
Actually, Nomura met with a Disney executive in an elevator once, and the idea was hatched-- but nontheless, it is a great game!

However, do not, I repeat DO NOT buy Kingdom Hearts II. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix is being released out here (thank god) and you will love it that much more. ;) I totally agree with Imppy on this one.

Go for it!

(and happy birthday)

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-08-20 18:47:36
Yes... No questions asked
I listened to the theme song and
almost cried. it is so awesome
But kingdom hearts 2 is better
you won't understand it till you
play #1
The third one is for PS3
Ps3 sucks....

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-08-20 19:08:18
I dont think Final mix + will be released out here, remakes never sold good stateside, and Square-Enix won't do it for the fans... sigh... But Kingdom Hearts is not a bad choice, Jon already said everything bad about it. The characters actually get a bit more mature in II, and in I, even the characters you play as are little kids, what do you expect, them cussing and slicing people up? Of course not, thats why they bonk shadows with keys instead.

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-20 21:23:01
The game's weak and boring now.
Don't judge a game by it's looks and just cause it's an RPG, won't make it outstanding.

In your case, it's worth a rental I guess.
You can probably beat it in a day or two.


Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-08-21 00:27:05 (edited 2007-08-21 00:30:27)
^ A day or two? Have you even played this game, DA? You'd either have to play non-stop and do nothing else, or be extraordinary with games to finish that quick! O.O I agree that you can't judge a game solely on looks actually is a good game.

I loved it. The Little Mermaid level ticked me off beyond all reason, but I absolutely loved the storyline! I recommend it. ^_^

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Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-08-21 01:03:46
Kingdom Hearts 1 is great and it really leave u craving for more after u finished the game
cos the game ends in a touching and sad ending
and Kingdom Hearts 2 is great as a continuation to the 1st one
not to mention the characters are improved a lot in many ways
why don't u buy both if u dunno which one to choose? ^_~

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-21 01:26:54
» Pixi, yeah I bought the game when it first came out so long ago.
I think it was around Summer time or something, but I did beat it kind of fast.
I was just being a bit sarcastic there. XD

They had a paper that showed me the manga of KH.
I wanted to see how that was, but I never really heard any type of comments about it, rather they'd be positive or negative.

I did enjoy the ending though, where you fought... what was his name...
Xeanort? Like one fight against him, was when you fought with Riku and you had to deflect those lasers?
I kind of enjoyed that, really. o^_^o

The Little Mermaid Story was boring.
Truthfully, I enjoyed the Pooh Story.
Doing backflips on the book, was fun for about ten seconds.
The mini-games in the Pooh story was different then the easy battles elsewhere.
It was more like a mini-game story then anything else.

I doubt I'll be getting the third KH, or even playing it or trying it out.
I really do hope they made major improvements.


Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by Ray on 2007-08-21 01:41:17
I've played both Kingdom Heart I and II.
they are good in both graphic and story... (thanx to Square-Enix).
their gameplay is good but not like Final Fantasy series.
KH is like an action RPG where there is no random battle.
you fought the enemies directly with Donald & Goofy (or other partner in different world) as your partner.
don't worry about their health, if your partner die, they will revived automatically in no time...
so, I suggest U to buy Kingdom Hearts series.

Re: should i buy kingdom hearts?
Link | by on 2007-08-21 12:24:23
^ @ DA, I was just giving you a hard time ^_~'ll never really be like Final Fantasy because Disney is involved in it.

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