Restrictions: NO_POLL
Registered:2005-10-23 01:25:07
Latest Activity:2018-02-12 07:56:00
Forum Entries: View All (634)
Buddies: has 28 buddies in list, is on 74 buddy lists
Requests: 2 past
Request Votes: 6 total, 0 active
Uploads: 5 uploads, 0 pending, 2 points total
Battle Stats: Wins: 20, Losses: 21, Ratio: 48%, View Standing
Polls: 17 votes
About Me:

~To The NIGHT of FIRE~

----About Me----

Name: Frideros Vahrheit (REAL name only few know)
Callsign: Inferno (People just call me by this)
Birthplace: (Unknown to most)
Hometown: Neo-Leopolis
Age: 20.. No. im 20.. Yes.. Im still 20.. IM TWENTY DAMMIT! Dont ask! Just believe! After all these years, Im STILL TWENTY! *sniff*


Current's Awesome Word is.... 'H'eroic
'H'eroic: A word that derives from the word Heroic, Ero and 'H' (see ecchi).

'H'eroic means someone who displays courage and the will of self sacrifice when faced with difficult odds. Yet that someone also shows signs of being a flirt, and the occasional perverted jokes...

eg. of 'H'eroic:
"Inferno was very 'H'eroic last night. He slayed a dragon and got the Princess's number at THE SAME TIME..."


Current Quizzy!


Whoops.. Sorry.. No quizzie today.. Come back next time.

Yeah.. I need the space for my other applications so quizzies are taken out for the moment.
There u go... Gomene~


And here's an AMV I made that has been receiving TONS of EFFING 5 STARS by my viewers!
So yeah. its HAWT! And yes im a shame-less braggart. ROFL!

Hope u guys will enjoy it as well... & Comments/Stars IN YOUTUBE are appreciated.


You want to touch me?

Naughty. I'm Claimed.

Feel free to add me on facebook or STEAM.

facebook: infernoflamex-sama
STEAM: inferno_flamex

Do let me know who you are tho through PMs... Or I wont add you.

PS.. I think Shin should use this ava. Its really KEWWWTT!

Marriage History:
View 2009-10-23 23:18:24
View 2009-10-23 23:18:24

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