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Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 04:31:31 (edited 2007-04-20 04:32:34)

Uhh yeah..The Rules of this game/thread is you will have to kill the person above you.

Cause of Death:Crushed by pigs
Description:Walking then he was crushed.

Then the next one will "Kill" the person above him/her.

-This will not actually kill anyone
-I made this just for Fun
-No hard feelings ok?
-4 post rule applies here
-Be creative in deaths not just the ordinary causes of death

OK then Lets get start killing ^___^

The first person please Kill me now ^^

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 04:37:09 (edited 2007-04-20 05:05:05)
Name: Ken
Cause of Death: Suicide
After posting a new game at no one participated. He was so depressed he hung himself.

wah!!! couldn't think of any creative cause of death right now


Esther Xavier~ and Inferno:
I'm a girl... weeeeeee~ don't be fooled by the avatar XD
oh well, it's not like this is the first time hehehe ^____^V

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2007-04-20 04:47:28
cause of death:crushed by cookies
it happened when he wanted to buy cookies

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 04:49:31 (edited 2007-04-20 04:52:29)
(Avatar) Name: Neon
Cause of Death: An explosion in the head

Description: In exactly 5mins and 12sec into his posting day in this thread. Neon will be instantly killed as a result of his head exploding. The time when his head exploded is to be soon after his pethathic brain refuses to come up with a creative answer. The reason of death was soon found to be a microchip bomb that was somehow implanted into his brain the moment he was born. The origin and reason as to WHY or HOW it was activated at that moment and not sooner remains a mystery... Neon was found headless with his headless corpse above a thousand pictures of freya. Police speculate tho that it was because of his jealousy with Ken's idea of the new thread, and his marriage to Freya, whom he had a secret crush with... Had resulted in his brain stress way too much.


Waa! I was afew seconds too late!?

Oh well.. this is very creative of my brain no? So.. I will not be modifyin my post.. XD

Next poster.. Feel free to either put my name or ether... Or if your'e up to it... Both of us.. XD


Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-20 05:09:41
Cause of Death: dismemberment
Description:at 8:15pm, Singapore time, he'll be kidnapped and they cuts his body parts. First, fingers, then hands, then arms, then toes, then feet, then legs. he'll be tossed into the Singapore river by 10pm.

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 05:37:48
Name: Bloodymoon/kay
Cause of Death: Road kill overkill
description: at 8:35 philipines time, kay was walking down the street when a speeding 24 wheeler truck ran over him with all wheeles. the Driver not kwing the he ran over him went back running over him again and wen't down to see if he was okay. with a stick in hand he poked kay three times and when a finger moved he got scared out of his wits and ran back to the truck and ran over kay again goung back and forth about 24 times befor finaly the engine overheated and exploded rigth on top of kay.

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 06:10:14
cause of death:Attacked by Chickens on his way home
Description:He was walking home when he was attacked by some chickens on the road.he was pecked to death

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2007-04-20 06:15:21
Cause Of Death:attacked by girls
Description:he died when he walked along the street.the girls were surrounding him untill he cant breathe anymore.

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by hamster_toro2 on 2007-04-20 07:00:37
name:Esther Xavier
cause of death:PS 2 games
Description:Too much games to chose so he played every single one of them for 24 hours straight for a month.He pee and doing the second one on the very same spot where he sit.He never bathe so his family practically move out leaving him alone-If you go to his still see the remains of him holding the joystick and losing the game ..XD

**Okay seriously im too cruel!** XD XD...Jonandayo ne?

***anatawa bokuwa koibito.....zutto***
*-*i cut myself to know that im alive*-*

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 07:06:41
Name: hamster_toro2
Cause of Death: rain of red apples
Description: (im assuming that hamster_toro2's a girl ?) as she was strolling in a park, she came across an apple tree. tempted by apples hence tried plucking an apple. sadly, all the apples came raining down and well, she died ?
(in the red apple bliss )

(i have crappy imagination T.T )

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-20 07:16:03
Cause of Death: mutilation
Description: a serial murderer snuck into her house and slowly gave her a slow and painful death

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 07:37:12
Name: Kay
Cause of Death: brutally murdered by the oh-so-awesome-miss-frypan[not rly lol]'s frypan
Description: he was walking down the street and suddenly, it was raining frypans~!! and the biggest on just so HAPPENed to fall on him.

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 21:46:15
Name:Fallen Angel
Cause of Death:Gets kill by a Moose
Description:She was walking down the road when a moosefell from the sky

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by imppy on 2007-04-20 22:44:31
Name: Ken
Cause of Death: Killed by Jrock artists
Description: Jrock artists came rushing into his house, carrying sharp guitars

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 22:54:48
Name: Imppy
Cause of death: standing
description: imppy wanted some food so he stood up and exploded


Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-20 23:38:08
Name: Ray
Cause of death: Chop Chop Victim
Description: While he was sleeping at his house, many samurai enter his
house then slice him to pieces.

My words for him:May you rest in peace. Hope you find your way to heaven if you're going to heaven.

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-21 00:17:06
Name: Shining Seraph
Cause of Death: cursed socks
Description: the pair of socks she(?) was wearing happened to be cursed by godknowswho hence feet itched. and err...scratched feet to death ?

(pfft cant control my lameness)

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-21 02:57:20
Cause of Death:eaten by a big Pacman thingy.
Description:She was walking in her house when she was eaten by a BIG BIG Pac Man

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by joanah009 on 2007-04-21 03:04:54
Cause of Death: crushed by a truck
Description: he joined in the drag race and got totaled by a truck.

Re: Death Note..Have FUN ^__^
Link | by on 2007-04-21 03:35:27
Name: Toccata
Cause of Death: Evaporated
Description: Stood too close behind someone who just finished eating ALOT of chili beans....what a way to go T_T!

That made no sense at all......

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