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Recommended games!!
Link | by yohan on 2007-12-06 22:50:44
Anybody got some recommended games? or just games that are cool and fun that u play, I wanna play a good RPG game, havent played one since ff12 and i wanna play one ;D haha

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-12-07 13:01:13
You can either search around Google, the 'Game' section here on the site, or checking out some games listed here to start (if you want PS2 games).


Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-12-07 15:21:08
Well, if you want more or less good modern games - i can't really help you with it... well, Hack G.U. series, original Hack series (starts with Hack Infection), Tales of series (Legendia and Abyss for PS2), Front Mission series (guess if you're okay with strategy rpg), Wild Arms series, Grandia series.
I, actually prefer old console games. Other games:
Super Robot Wars Original Generation 1-2 (GBA)
Live-a-Live (SNES)
Seiken Densetsu (Mana series) (SNES, PS)
Fire Emblem series (Gba ones are good) (GBA, SNES)
Bahamut Lagoon (SNES)
Final Fantasy 5-6 (sixth's my favorite) (SNES/GBA)
Tenchi Muyo RPG (SNES)
Summon Night 1-2 (GBA)
Final Fantasy Tactics (GBA/PS)
Tactics Ogre (GBA/PS)
Zone of Enders (GBA - Strategy RPG)
Zone of Enders, Gundam Seed (PS2 - Action)
Dynasty/Samurai/Orochi Warriors (PS2 - Action RPG(?))

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by on 2007-12-07 23:14:14
hmm if you like some online game i recomend to play:
Final Fantasy XI
Guild wars
both have great grafics and chanllenging game

for PS2 platform
Final Fantasy X or X-2 (X-2 ending is quite suprissing if you can clear it 100%)
artonelico 1 and 2
dynasty/samurai warriors

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-12-07 23:50:10
rpg's huh
try valkyrie profile 2 for ps2

and la prucelle tactics

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by yohan on 2007-12-08 11:36:05
yeah i was thinking about the .hack series but know nothin bout it, i played most final fantasy i beat 7,8,9,X,X-2, didnt get 100% clear on X-2 tho never really heard of valkyrie profile or pa prucelle tactics. Im not really trying to play an mmorpg cuz i mite get hooked >_> I played grandia before and loved it but my brother let someone borrow and the dude lost it D: . Moggle u named hella games i never even heard of xD but thanks for all the suggestions ill try to find something from ur lists! :D

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by NamelessPlayer on 2007-12-08 13:03:37
I'll have to second the mentions of Seiken Densetsu/Mana(namely SD2/Secret of Mana and SD3)and Live A Live. Haven't made up my mind yet on Bahamut Lagoon, though. (Note that all of these are SNES games, and don't expect to find a hard copy in English of any of them but SoM.)

And, since you just said "RPG" and not "JRPG", I'll throw in some other suggestions:

-Fallout 1 and 2 (The first is a great game. Haven't started on the second yet, though-I still need to clean out the Military Base.)
-The Elder Scrolls series (A nice series of first-person RPGs. Daggerfall is troublesome to run on modern PCs without DOSBox, though, and copies of the game tend to be a bit expensive. Morrowind is alright, but the engine feels primitive without things like physics on objects. Oblivion looks nice and has better combat, but it overall feels dumbed-down without mods and requires a high-end PC to run well.)
-Baldur's Gate I and II (Haven't played either yet, but I would just to hear everything that Minsc and Boo say.)
-Planescape: Torment (Haven't played that one either, but its fans say that it has one of the best stories ever to be featured in a game.)

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by on 2007-12-08 18:51:11
Dead or Alive (latest)

Grand Turismo (all)

FInal Fantasy 7 (psone)

too much just google games. =D

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-12-09 13:51:27
Well, i know many rare games :) And yeah, completely forgot about valkyrie profile 2 :)
What was that about FFXI? Never heard of online ff...

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by Rin tsuchimi on 2007-12-11 23:02:55
zombie busting game like resident evil
horror and puzzle game silent hill...wooo scared
erm robot game??anyone??Gundam seed,cyber trooper mars
eh racing??Need for speed underground/most wanted/carbon/latest prostreet

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Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by on 2007-12-11 23:30:31
How about Suikoden series and Tales of series? they have good storylines.

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by Johndoe061 on 2007-12-14 22:15:56
One of the best Games I have played so far is Morrowind, and when it said 100s of hours of gameplay on the box it meant it. You can never get bored of it because it is made with so many choices to make and so you can not have the same game twice. It is a fantasy type RPG. It is really really great!
Hope you guys all have fun!

Johndoe061's Profile! Come on Over and Visit! -->

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by Lelouch on 2007-12-15 11:59:12
Kingdom Hearts 2 final mix for PS2(very cool)

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by May on 2008-01-28 17:33:16
Tales of series or Suikoden~~
They are the best game I played so far...

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by on 2008-01-28 17:37:07
Even though it's a really old game that I've played, I'd recommend Chrono Cross for the Play Station. It's a great RPG and very exotic. I love all of the characters and how many paths you could take in the game.

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by DoS on 2008-01-31 04:29:07
Suikoden V- Many characters, good storyline, fun mini-games.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3- Excellent storyline and gameplay! Kinda like a cross of Sim-dating, and RPG.
Melty Blood series: Fastest-paced fighting game I've ever seen. Anime graphics. Fun and addictive.
Shadow of the Colossus- Best graphics I've ever seen. Not much of a story, but it has enough juice to get you going.
Warriors Orochi- Hack and slash fun. The Japanese version is much, MUCH more harder than the English.

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-01-31 04:33:36
Final fantasy series is a must.
Morrowind is hooooooge! Especially if you get all the player made expansions, hell, make your own expansions, it makes things way more interesting.
The Soul series, best beat em ups ever, everyone should play Soul Calibur 3 it's the mutts nuts.

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by TenSpot on 2008-01-31 06:53:07
Disgaea was fun, until you try to get people to level 9999, and finish the side quests.

I enjoy the Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors games as well, and, if you're looking for survival/horror, I highly reccommend the Fatal Frame, and Silent Hill series'.

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by sparky on 2008-01-31 08:44:58
try Xenosaga series they are great games and a cool storyline

Re: Recommended games!!
Link | by Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket on 2008-02-21 22:53:14
Shadow of the Colossus
GTA (fun game :D)
Suikoden 1,2,4 (not 3 and 5 which is sux)
Legend of the Dragoon
Ratchet & Clank: Up your Arsenal (fabulous)
and...FF series :p

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