Registered:2007-11-01 14:50:24
Latest Activity:2008-06-09 12:31:22
Forum Entries: View All (662)
Buddies: has 22 buddies in list, is on 29 buddy lists
Ignored: ignoring 1 users, ignored by 0 users
Contributions: 0 pending, 1 accepted, 2 rejected
About Me:
If you've found this, it's probably too Late...

Who I Am:

Hi, my name is Apple. I 'm ageless, live in the middle of NoWhere, and, hopefully you already know this, I'm a girl. I love my life but sometimes just wish that it wouldn't be the way it is. Here, everything is fun and dandy. Well, I guess. I hope I get a lot of friends and be able to talk to you guys comfortingly so I don't feel like the rice ball in the fruits basket. I love music, art, story-making, my computer, anime and it's commentary, manga, forums and watching movies with Johnny Depp in them. I think sarcasm is a way of life and that we live for happiness, so we should strive to be happy. Even though I don't know a lot of people here, I consider each and everyone of you guys my friend. I just hope you think of me that way too. Well, hope everything here is awesome.

I love the forums here, and I'm glad their are sections that are just for funnsies or you can be serious. I love the philosophy, anime, music, waste of time and other threads. I am the President of the Fruit Club and love RPing when I find a really good RP I like. Right now, I'm kind of busy, running the club, drawing, reading, getting my computer time, practicing piano...yeah, I'm busy. So I try to check out what's going on everyday. I love writing and am pretty good at it. I'll need to make a page for my stories. Anyway, I might be busy posting forums or something, but I'll try to message you back when I can.

So far, my favorite anime are Death Note, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, GTO, Gravitation, Loveless, Grasshoppa, Lucky Star, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Blood+, Dragonball and Dragonball Z, FLCL, D.N.Angel, Azumanga Daiho, Jigoku Shoujo, Rosario Vampire, Trinity Blood, Bottle Fairies and a lot of others.

I love peaches, yes I do! I love them and they love me too! Fruits from all around the world, know me as the Apple Girl~ Hooray!

I don't have a Gendou Family here, but I think it'd be nice to belong to one. An Apple's up for adoption. Give or take?

    Apple Likes:

  • Johnny Depp,
  • food,
  • the color rainbow (if rainbow's even a color),
  • black nail polish,
  • HotTopic,
  • Hello Kitty,
  • Her Computer,
  • Her Glasses,
  • And a whole lot of other stuff (will list later)

    Apple's Forum Buddies:

  • The Bloody Rose Magic Shop
  • Shizue
  • Darky
  • My Fruit Club Members
  • And everyone else^^

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix


My Fruit Club Member List:

Fruits Club Members Fruit Taken Merits Title
Apple Apple ♛♛♛♛♛ Queen Apple, President
Darky Peach ♜♜♜♜♜ Rook Darky, Vice-President
Yance Blueberry ★▐▐ 1-star Contributing Amateur Member
MyLove Pear ★▐ 1-star Active Contributing Amateur Member
w00t0s Lime ★ 1-star Contributing Amateur Member
Neon Mangosteen ▐▐▐▐
Shizue Strawberry ▐▐▐▐
Eon Zalacca Fruit ▐▐▐
Dfly Passion Fruit ▐▐
La La/ Yoyo Pineapple ▐▐
Empo Lemon ▐▐
Sayuri Lychee ▐▐
Samantha Plum ▐▐
Senna Orange ▐
Kyo Grapes ▐
Rin Durian ▐
Ukissa Guava ▐
Quack Pomegranate ▐
JC Starfruit
Vie Kiatkiat
Alexandra Tomato
ZParticus Green Mango
Inx Coconut
DA Watermelon
Sheril Honey Dew
Yat Longan Berry
Mizuki Yellow Mango
Blur Banana
Brit Raspberry
Hikari Paopu Fruit
Marriage History:
View 2007-12-23 12:12:27

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