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Death Note
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-20 17:44:40
Okay, this will be the official anime thread for the series Death Note.
I searched for other "Death Note" related threads, but none really pinpoint the series mainly.
There's some for OP/EDs and others for which is better out of the manga and movie.

Anyways, I'm currently following the dub on AS.
The dub is very nice and Misa just entered the scene.
I kind of wanted to buy the entire series, box set, before I saw her, but guess that was just impossible since I think only volume one is released.

About Misa, she's really cute. There's no second guessing her, and I LOVE her look and her! ♥♥♥
I kind of wanted to see Hirano Aya portray her in the original Japanese version, but I'll get to that another day.

About five more episodes until the "What's Up.People!?" OP!
Every episode has been great and I'm really loving this anime episode by episode.
It keeps getting better and better and it's very interesting and fun to watch.

I'd recommend this series to anyone really. One of my favorites right now.


Re: Death Note
Link | by on 2008-01-20 17:49:27
Yeah, I watched most of the episodes with my friend in Japanese, but Misa sounds so cute too~ X3 I do love her look and how she sounds, and my friend said something about the whole entire series in boxset on for around $35. I think that's about the most impossible. Great idea to star an official thread. We definitely needed one. Go DA!~ x3

Re: Death Note
Link | by on 2008-01-20 17:50:56
when i first heard the english voices for DN i hated it but now...its kinda nice..

but from what ive heard DN is gonna get way more intense from here on out...i cant wait!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Death Note
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-20 20:37:09
Actually, I was only off on one thing slightly.
It appears that Volume 2 is also out, according to Wiki.

The entire series is obviously completely out in Japan.
I didn't want to bring discussion to the other threads, which would've been labeled as SPAM, mostly, so I made this thread.


Re: Death Note
Link | by on 2008-01-22 13:34:18
Death Note is such a nice series, I still need to finish it, lol...too bad I already know the ending. =(

The manga was packed fill of dialogue, so I'm glad there's an anime version that'll give me less of a headache. XD

Seems like this is a series that mostly everyone will like, so you can say it's a big success.

And about Misa, I didn't like her at first, she was a tad bit annoying...but I guess she's okay now. =P

My deviantART!
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Re: Death Note
Link | by numbuh1 on 2008-01-22 16:48:02
The only thing about the AS version I didn't like was Misa's voice it was not as cute as it was supposed to be, other than that everything else was cool

Re: Death Note
Link | by ヽ(^0^)た(^。^)だ(^−^)い(^O^) on 2008-01-22 16:54:43
I also didn't like the dub vers. that much, but i started to get used to it. though i still would prefer the original voices instead of the dubs any day.


GazettE Yay! Now Rock out!

Re: Death Note
Link | by Dai on 2008-01-31 23:52:40
L-san kawaii..
Raito-kun Kakoii..
Misa-san kawaii...

Re: Death Note
Link | by SCHALA on 2008-02-01 00:14:02
wow...congrats Dai that was a real thread killer...

I thought the art was actually really bad in the anime...the voices were pretty bad too rofl >< Ive only seen the movies. Which are practically the manga/anime but without the extra crap and fillers. The live action is a must see. Very awesome two thumbs up, i feel like erbert&roeper.


Re: Death Note
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-19 16:00:56
Ugh, I've missed Death Note for about the past two weeks on AS.
Missed it this weekend cause friggin' AS changed their line up, again!
Previous week I saw about five minutes of it. D:


Re: Death Note
Link | by DeAngelus on 2008-02-20 05:26:50
I'm not to sure about Death Note . I wanted to watch it , but the manga I read , made me think that the anime is going to be the same as the manga itself ... confusing @.@ . It nearly made my brain blow out trying to understand what is the manga is trying to tell me >.<* . So I might watch it if I get the preview (an episode or two to watch) :P .

... wait , this thread ..... I remember seeing one like this one too O.o . This one . So , does that make this a repeat thread ???

Re: Death Note
Link | by on 2008-02-20 05:44:10 (edited 2008-02-20 05:44:46)
Watch the anime. I think the story is more realistic (and dialogues are arranged neatly), if you watch the anime version. But Death Note manga always have the original plots (expect anime version to have missing plots--- there is a Director's Cut Special---). Worth watching, you'll grow addicted to the show! ^^

This thread, as DA declared, is the only OFFICIAL Death Note thread in ^^

I hate dubbed Death Note anime DX The voices are always sound really bad. >_< I prefer hearing Light say "Boku wa Kira desu" than "I am Kira" ^^

Have you guys read Death Note- L: Change the World manga?

Re: Death Note
Link | by ~eL~ on 2008-02-20 08:49:45
What !? Dood !!?? L.. Change the World's manga !? Does that even existed !? No.. never read them..
But.. L ? uugh.. no KIRA.. so.. I don't think i wanna read that..
the US version still use JP songs !!?? Yay !! I'm glad they don't remove the songs and replace it with techno or instrumental song.. Yay !!


Re: Death Note
Link | by on 2008-02-20 15:18:55
Read the latest DN manga! You'll think differently what the title supposed to mean! Death Note- L: Change the World Click teh link! It's the scanlation of that manga ^^

There is also a thread on this manga too in Anime section ^^

Oh yes... JP songs are a must~! :3 IF there's the American version of them OP and EP songs, what will be the best rock bands? XD

Re: Death Note
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-02-20 15:45:37
I finished watching 16 online and loading 17 now.
I think in about two weeks, the new OP will debut on AS.
I can't wait. It's gonna be nuts. >;P


Re: Death Note
Link | by ~eL~ on 2008-02-20 16:44:59 (edited 2008-02-20 16:47:15)
Aw.. that's L Change the world !? dood.. I've read it before.. that's the one shot manga that mentioned at the 'Death Note manga: One shot [feb 9 release!]' topic..
Dood.. I thought you're telling us that there's new chap of Death Note about L.. just like the new Death Note Movie titled, "L: Change The World"..
Best rock band ? uugh.. it's hard dood..
Umm.. maybe.. SLipknot ? I think the image of this band quite fit with Maximum the Hormone's What's Up People..


Re: Death Note
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-09 01:46:49
Saw the second OP/ED for Death Note tonight, was AWESOME!!


Re: Death Note
Link | by pokota64 on 2008-03-09 07:56:42
It's very good! I just love everything about it. They made the anime a very good adaption of the manga.

The second op/ed was really good. The art was weird, but I liked it. I liked the part where all these laughing light heads pop up. XD

To me, Misa doesn't love Light. It's more of a person worshoping a god.
L is my favorite character, but I think I liked Light a lot more when he lost his memories of the death note. He seemed like he was becoming a better person, but I don't like Light near the end. He's too much of the evil-murderer type by then.

Re: Death Note
Link | by on 2008-03-09 15:32:05
I think Misa loved Light for real~ she knew Light is Kira, but once she seen how Kira looked like, she loved Light more than Kira. Everytime Light played Kira's role, Misa sometimes argued and whined, not to bother the importance of getting the work done. But once all that Kira moment was over for a while, Light changed his ambitious attitude to somewhat more gentler attitude when Misa needed comfort and attention.

Heh heh, the story will be boring if Light died without being driven by his insanity. He knew Ryuk would finish him off soon by writing his name on the Death Note (yes, the Shinigami said that during the episodes)... so I guess Light was living his life to the max. Life is never intended to be boring. XDDD And gawsh, speaking of his insanity, his laughter~ omfg. XDDDD

I used to hate the second OP/ED, now I like the OP song more than ever. I guess it's just too radical to put that song in the anime... oh well, it sounds awesome! The vid's just so trippin'...

Re: Death Note
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-09 15:38:26
I thought the second OP was perfect with the second OP theme.
Of course Death Note has Visual Kei type music with Nightmare and all, but Maximum the Hormone was very unexpected.
Makes you think if bands like Dir en Grey will do something for anime. >;P

In the latest episode, I think 19, Misa mentioned how she like loved Light more than Kira.
She does admire Kira for taking care of the ones who killed her parents, or something like that,
but Light is someone she'll fall in love with.

I read spoilers, so I know what's to come. Everyone knows L dies.
I think I saw the Live Action OP where Kira is in front of L where he has a heart attack.

I wish Maximum the Hormone the best of luck when they hit America and Canada.
I should check out their other stuff as well. Their 5H17 is insane!


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