Registered:2007-08-12 17:24:02
Latest Activity:2025-02-10 04:32:08
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About Me: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Just as my name implies, I'm Michael, Mike for short. I absolutely love anime and video games, i grew up on them. i like alot of harem and kawaii anime, I am currently starting my freshman year in college for Audio Production. some fun facts about me? I'm 18* years old, half puerto rican and half mexican, but dont let that fool ya, im all about Japan. Im still learning the language but im pretty fluent in it. I love all the people here on Gendou and really appreciate everyone!! I love making new friends and talking about anime(yep yep, im an anime freak^.^) I fully enjoy the Japanese culture and plan to live there someday. My favorite anime character has to be Mizuno Ami from Bishoujo Sailor Moon, although, ive come across others that are struggling to be on my top, one of em is Tsukasa from Lucky Star^.^

I got some very kewl avys so far, ty to hikky blur blur and Inxy^.^ here they are!

Favorite Anime: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Love Hina, Da Capo 1&2, Aoi Yori Aoshi(Yes, i'm a harem and romance/comedy fan), Lucky Star, Shuffle!, Ah, Megumi-sama, Neon Genesis Evangelion and countless others.

Favorite Video Games:Metal Gear Solid, all the way, everyone of them, my favorite series, Castlevania series(i've played them all), Final Fantasy series(these too),Kingdom Hearts, Halo series, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Gears of War, Warioware, Mario Party, Mario Kart.

Favorite Bands(English): RUSH, Ozzy Osborne, Shadows Fall, A7X, King Diamond, Daft Punk, Disturbed, Lamb of God, Static X, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Joe Satriani, Incubus(lots of< metal, im a guitar player, after all ^.^)

Favorite Band/Artist(Japanese): Hamasaki Ayumi, Shiina Hekiru, Hayashibara Megumi, FLOW, Yuria, Yui Horie and countless others.

Myspace: Comin Soon!

AIM: Deathlym6


YAHOO: Mikey421tm I'm on almost all the time, talk to me!! lol.

I Also now have a Gendou Family!!^.^ I will put up a pic with my family tree soon so that its easy to read, but for now, i'll list mah family^.^

JC-Kun =Father/Otusan





Ikki = Cuzin

Sakura Kiss = Mother in law(soon^.^)

Apple=Soon to be Wife^.^

well, thats all i know for now, im still learnin about my family here, but im havin fun and love everybody.

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Marriage History:
View 2007-12-23 12:12:27

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