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Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by Lady Maia on 2007-04-03 00:08:50
@Imppy: Yeah, but it can already be a slang. XD hehehe~

at least no one uses the word "osha~"
gao~! grr... a lot of people are using "Ahoy" >.< TT___TT *sniffles*

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-05-23 08:31:36

stab- used by rei when stabbing someone

hahahaha- always present with zparticus' post

GLOMP- uh glomping someone? i dunno...something like that

WHACK- sound made when whacking someone

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-05-23 08:43:49
O.o hi i am here to spread FPL.

FPL------Fun, Peace and Laughter XD

O.o------An emo that i use 70% of the time here but i dont see anyone else usin it......-______-""

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by kali-chan on 2007-05-23 17:15:43 (edited 2007-05-23 17:19:22)
I can't believe noone posted Linkgasm yet XDD

Well, since it's my word, I guess I'll make it offical...

Linkgasm: The act of squealing, screaming, fainting, or ecstasy caused by the user linkforlife. Specially during Link radio. Nyah!~ @_@

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-05-23 17:41:51
I have one, I guess. This one is for a while back, and I thought I might mention it for the new peoplez. :D

Hiranabegumi- The elite frypan clan of It had limited members, and was also the longest lasting clan, as the rest died out.

*Imppy: ROFL! Thanks to you, I always say Osha! XD At school, at home, it just became a habit. haha

Some other common ones I've seen on Gendou are:
Uber kabuberly- (I have no idea what this means, but it has uber in it ><')

Wajaja- Crazy laughter

Gao- From Air TV, it is the sound of a dinosaur. Usually used when upset.

Uguuguu- Crying noise

Nuuuu- No XD

~Eureka's Take on Expressions of laughter~
lol- Laugh Out Loud- the simplest and most common (also most annoying) form of showing people that you thought what the said was "laugh out loud funny". In reality, nobody is honestly laughing, they are just saying it to make awkward conversation.

rofl- (aslo rotfl) Rolling On Floor Laughing- quite often used in the gendou chat, as there is an emoticon showing such. Is typically truthful enough, but you don't outwardly laugh. Usually just makes you grin, or chuckle once or twice.

lmao- Laughing My Ass Off- I only use this when I am actually laughing. It should be kept that way. Don't ruin it!!

lmfao- Laughing My ****ing Ass Off- Taking it up one notch from lmao. Should be used for when watching Burnt Face Man, or talking to Schala.

rotflmfao- Rolling on the floor laughing my ****ing ass off. - The mother of all expressions of humour. Figure it out yourself!!

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by forest on 2007-05-23 22:41:12
Can anyone tell me what ROFL means? I'm a total idiot with these kinda things... XDDD

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-05-24 01:21:18 (edited 2007-05-24 01:21:31)
rolling on floor laughing...

okies and toink - usually used by michy


desu!- always present in koganei's post

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by HK on 2007-05-24 01:55:23 (edited 2007-12-29 07:36:34)

Keiri's Usual Words (terminology)

now.... what do I usually use...

some of the things I always use... dun know if some of them are slangs...XO

some words ending in "s" + h/hs = nothing...just feel like it

OMFFG = Oh my freaking F****** god...

mwahahaha = erk... the "ebil" laugh...(used by many)

Keri Pie = Strawberry Pie Bomb w/ Tracking Sensors (WTS) that is bullet proof and touch-sensituve the pie I always throw, with cool new SECRET FEATURES...
Ayu-chan named it...XP (there ish no exception.... always fresh... and ish classified as non-lethal and so on...)

XD, XP, XO, X.O, x.x = some of the emoticons I always use... (the meaning is self explanatory)

erk = haha... I use this whenever I dun know what to say or I have to stop what I'm saying...

"=" = when I need to reassure something or I'm making a point... example: "Keiri=No.1 Shinigami??? XP..." and "Pie=Keri-Pie"

lemme = Let me

gimme = give me

dun, wun = Don't, Won't

gotta= got to

afked = a person is afk before

afking = a person is afk now...

Kudos = I use it as a goodbye

*edit: change it to ORANGE!!!~

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-06-14 05:01:57 (edited 2007-06-14 05:09:31)
The languageth used by teh inferno...

Teh = The

ISH = is

Typosh = Typos

Hish = His

Hersh = Hers

Huggeth = Hugs

Languageth = Language

Yeashu = Yeah/Yes

Meh = me (sometimes just a meaning of.. Mehhh~~ As in.. annoyed, or uncaring)

Mah = My

Hash = Has
Thats it... The words shown above, ish MINE.. All of em... XDD
Trademarked by meh.. XDD



Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-06-14 05:50:09 (edited 2007-07-14 03:41:17)
Awww man infee damn it...Don't steal ISH from me....

My Terminalogy

Xscooth Me - Excuse Me

Lust Puppeh - The Hubbeh RK

Lust Bunneh - The Mister Mky

Lust Kitty - The Wifey Kate

Lust Piggieh - The Hubbeh Hmz

*hides behind a potted plant* - Ish Well..Umm..Me Hiding Behind A Potted Plant

~~~ Will Add More Later ~~~

Copyrighted by : N.S.C.J.D.

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-08-05 20:41:29
*chu~ my language..

*the chu-vixen...






hmmm..well i turn almost all letter r to w...

*the chu ish here and will leave chu~

i have lots of linggo...hmm..many to mention chu~

ja ne...chu~

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2007-09-06 15:08:41 (edited 2009-04-07 01:34:45)
Some of the most uttered slangs in chat;

roflmaowtfomfglol = exaggerated version of rofl/lol
meh, bah, gah = utter of annoyance
kik = lol/lol in a mischievous way

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by Terror on 2007-09-06 15:53:08

Tod or tod = Terror of Death

As much as I hate it... :D

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-11-08 06:08:20

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-11-08 15:01:07
gah = dang it

well thats my definition of i lol


Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by on 2007-11-09 14:07:54
ROFL. This thread is still alive wth? xD

grape = grope + rape


Re: Gendou Slang
Link | by tiojar on 2007-11-10 12:25:15
Yaoi = Your ass opening intensly

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